Are Modern Shooters Too Much for Older Gamers?

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i play css and i tried modern warfail 2. i wanted to smash my head against my keyboard so many time because of the 12 year old bs that goes around in that game. im 24 and its stupid i can top the charts in that game without trying and i top the charts in css everytime i play all most modern fps's are recently is who uses the most gimics and not strats at all its the same way with what world of warcraft has become. Pre bc the game took took time and skill to get to 60 alone now i can get from 1-80 in 2 weeks without trying.
That last paragraph is so very true and very very sad. It is hardly enjoyable to play any game with the non-stop insults and profanity from teenagers and young adults(if you can call them adults) with diarrhea of the mouth spewing out constant verbal abuse.

This does seem to be more pertaining to consoles but it happens on PC's aswell.

What has/will society become?
[citation][nom]hokkdawg[/nom]Imagine the chaos if the US Army simply threw new soldiers into the mix and nobody tried to show them the ropes; instead, resorting to crude name calling and horrid insults.[/citation]

I like FPS and playing them as a single player and then play them in MP but when I do I play with MY son and his friends in a private game on my game server. My son and his friends are all in their late 30's and have been playing all their lives. On the other hand I played very little tell I was 55 when my son gave me Doom III and I was hooked.
@drksilenc - WOW has never taken any skill to level, at all, ever.

I am 36 and hold my own in games perfectly well, you either have the skills or you dont. Perhaps at older ages then yes it may apply but not yet. :)
It is a simple case of how much time does a 13y old spend gaming versus a 30y old / 45 y old etc. and this has a effect on gameplay + commonsense to get your hardware / software working properly.

Younger players want to have fun, wall hack etc. and trash talk as this is the only thing they are used to / wired for and will not change until playing with decent skilled persons and so get a respect for themselves and the need to trash talk will fall away.

The older crowd comes from a horrible day at work and want to let off some steam by playing online just to get more frustrated with the lack of playable games or disasters like eyecandy MW2 / irritating non gamer friendly MW2 online play, Graw2, L4D2.

Young players use this as a socialize tool and not so much a frustration release tool "online play.

Older players want to use more skill or anything that can completely distract them from the days work / nagging wife/ psycho daughters. They prefer to be slower moving more accurate hunter killer types and not blow everything up team killers like the younger crowd.

Tested the C&C4 beta or tried to and in 5 mins got more annoyed with QOS defects or lack of QOS products / missing or broken installer / long wait times to connect lack of servers no I am not talking about MW2, same with AVP Feb 2010 demo.

This leaves only a few really old buggy dated games for normal players to play with and then hope someone with skill will make more content / maps for it.

The lack of Demo's is also causing a major issue as I have spend $60 on MW2 and cursed myself after 10 hours for buying that junk so more players will be reluctant to waist money on 99% of the games being released as past experience proved that 99% of the new is junk and not worth the money you pay for it or has lack of user friendly features like lack on user dedicated server features to establish a save and properly working online gameplay or get stuck with MW2 online play Soon to be C&C4 AVP online play disasters/

This results in why waist money on useless games or useless new hardware as my old pc 3 years old can play my usable pre ( UT3, Graw2, FEAR project origins) disaster games = buggering the economy and lack of new jobs created as a result of all this.

Also older players will not switch to tortureXbox or irritating PS2/PS3 as they have a gaming pc/work pc just to play the unreleased pc versions of the games they like.

This F U attitude from gaming company's towards those that drive technology / the economy / new pc hardware sales will bite them if not already.

Xbox / PS3 console for 3 y old kid toys / junk will result in inbred hardware and a loss of future sales / product to sell and use by gaming company's so their narrow minded view or hit and run cash the check and run attitude will be their downfall.

The best games was developed by kids in their garages and then destroyed by the cloned version made by gaming company's.

UT2k4 very nice game ruined in UT3/2007, Graw1 needed a few bug fixed and ruined in Graw2, FEAR1 ruined with project orrigins and the list goes on.

30+ international game players above 25y are looking for a new common game to play FPS action shooter and there is nothing out there for the last 3 years and nothing in the near future.
So stuck with old folks ( 25y+ )playing extremely old games on dedicated modded hosted servers / teamspeak to limit kids for wall hacking team killing MW2 stunts defective online play experiences that MW2 failed to provide.
This article is so true. I am in the mid-20s and I cannot believe gamers nowadays. I remember when I started playing HL and CS and how I was young and everyone was older than me. Sure there was always some nub older player (usually 18) that was a trash talking loser. But nowadays almost all of the really "offensive" trash talking players are little nubbies - kids under 13. Naturally, they usually get their As handed to them but instead of shutting up, they rage quit. The rage quitting of the new generation of gamers is astounding. They scream, whine, and swear like morons. If they get one kill they gloat like crazy. If you kill them 20 times, and they kill you once, they still gloat!

All of this online gaming crap has got to stop. Those of us older FPS gamers learned to be civilish (appropriate trash talking, not freaking out, etc) because we gamed with our real life friends in person. You can't scream and swear and cuss out your friends in real life without getting your a** beat or having no friends. So help me if I hear another 9 year old call a player an offensive gay name and then giggle, I will have to kill myself (or just stop playing).
"But there also seems to be a lack of sportsmanship, teamplay, or any kind of code of conduct, thus leaving the game undesirable for an older generation."

This right here is where my love/hate relationship resides with online gaming. I love L4D and L4D2 but I really dislike the community. The players are rude, mean and really unsportsmanlike. I had much more fun in my TFC days just because the communities were so much better. I largely attribute this to the matchmaking setup that has no way to punish bad behaviour or to at least make it so you could mark other players as "I no longer with to play with this person".
Its rather interesting. Im almost glad that I have been able to find mature communities in the few games I have played online. Im a PC gamer and have been able to find communities that are primarily based out of older players and gaming with them is by far better than any regular server you hop into. Not to mention proper team play actually improves the skills of individual players and if pit against a team of individuals that have not yet had a taste of the world would wipe the floor with them.
Why can't they emphasize well done art and colorful landscapes like Unreal and Unreal Tournament? Those were with 3dfX cards...
I will admit, I have hit a wall on my ability to improve with WarRock... However, a big part of that is the fact that if I do too well, I get kicked.
The first company that makes games for the 25 and older crowd with multiplayer ability is going to make a ton!!! I know in WoW, there are guilds that filter out the teenagers because they are the most annoying and immature gamers there are. It really cuts down on drama for sure.

As for skills....I disagree that the younger ones are better. It's all about how much time you put into it. The old phrase 'practice makes perfect' comes to mind. When an older gamer that is in the 25-40 age range is out working a full time job and has real-world responsibilities, that dramatically cuts into game-time (fun-time) vs. the 15 year old, that doesn't even do homework and just games all day like it's a job.
I'm 47 and the turning point for Me was getting kicked off of a UT2004 server for not changing My Clan Handle.
The Admin was trying to score some brownie points with some of the female players.
What a Knight in Shining armor,there!
My handle contained no vulgarities of any kind and I was not flaming,I found out by mailing the Admin for the reason for the ban.
I thought that They were My friends.

Trying to reign in the non-sense is a slippery proposition,but despite My crying and whining about My last bad experience,I agree that a cool-headed Admin
should be in charge with the authority to kick/ban those that will not play by clearly posted rules.

I do not know whether the Younger gamers are better or not.
The graphics sure are better though.
I am 44 and I have been playing video games since pong came out. That being said, I would say that the younger generation definately have the aiming skills down better because some of them were practically born with a control pad in their hand (I am used to using a mouse and keyboard for FPS). I also agree that they have much more time on their hands. Its amazing when I play on my PS3 and a game has only been out for 2 days and some of the kids have already put in 30-40 hours on the game (my wife would kill me and I would probably get fired for skipping work over a video game).

The one disadvantage kids might have is some of them aren't mature enough to understand the real strategy that is sometimes involved, and if they are all trash talking, its probably harder for them to get into good teams with teamwork. I belong to a clan that we all get along great and it really makes it enjoyable to play. If my friends arent around, and I get into a squad with trash talking idiots, I resquad or start the game over cause it is just not worth it.

On a side note, I mostly play with a PS3 controller but when I am getting outshot too much by the youngsters I change to XIM and then I actually can outshoot them.
Indeed, these things are true. As a gamer turning 40 I look for games with a solid single player and co-operative player modes. Our group of similar aged players have a LAN set up with 12 x 24" LCDs. Just bring your console or PC and plug in. Sort of like poker night for other guys. We generally don't play on the usual servers due to the vast difference in attitude, language and game play between us and most other players. Sure, our reaction times are not the 0.14 seconds they used to be, and yes, we did start out on Pac-Man and Space Invaders, but I think the difference in game play is due to other factors, including a more collaborative approach to work (and life) within the group, not adversarial between team mates as observed from on-line gaming. The "perceived lack of sportsmanship, team play, or any kind of code of conduct" is what keeps us off-line and on our own private networks. Of course, it goes without saying, no-one in our group uses the terms owned, pwned or pwnd. Like any group of gamers, we are here to enjoy ourselves when it suits us. If that means voluntarily excluding ourselves from the wider on-line community to pursue this enjoyment, then that's what we'll do.
Im 24 and I dont feel that I wasted that many years of useless gaming (platform?).

I must admit I wasted time with StarCraft and Diablo2 but I played CS/CSS (starting with CS beta 3 mind you) for the last 10 years. So the kids get their ass handed on our servers. I played almost all Shooters worth mentioning since Wolfenstein (I was 6 or 7 and my dad had a 33MHz computer).

I think im just in the sweetspot. I played them all and I dont yet have arthritis. I can basically call every kid a noob for the rest of my life.
[citation][nom]rodney_ws[/nom]This is where dedicated servers come in to play. Control. I play TF2 with some of the nicest folks you could ever ask to meet... new people are always welcome, but attitudes aren't... and in-game admins see to this.[/citation]
I have to agree with the dedicated servers. Though you'll always get in contact with trash-talkers one way or another!
These idiots who play console fps and do this sort of thing would get murdered by people in their 20s-40's in Battlefield 2's FullContactWar server.
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