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On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:49:16 -0400, "Elmo P. Shagnasty"
<> wrote:
>In article <>, Sam <a@b.c>
>> >My experience shows it to be above 80% reliable. It's magic.
>> How would you like a car that's safe 80% of the time?
>RTV isn't a car.
EXACTLY the expected response. I continually give people an
opportunity to use thier minds, and people continually refuse.
> Why would you compare it to a car? Automatic
>commercial advance isn't a safety feature. Why would you compare it to
>a safety feature?
Why do you want me to do your thinking for you.
>That it works even 80% of the time is pretty magical.
Interesting, since "magical" (like it's synonym "supernatural") is a
word meaning "I don't know and I don't care".
> But it does
>depend on how the program material is broadcast. When you understand
>what it's doing and how, you appreciate that it works at all--and truly
>appreciate that it works as often as it does.
I understand it quite well, abd know that it's unreliable. TV stations
and networks would never allow the signal that would make CA nearly
100% reliable.
>Show/Nav uses the exact same technology as ACA, but requires that you
>push the button. No big deal there.
And I don't use it for that reason. The posts were about the
DIFFERENCE between the <5500 units and the >5500 ones. Both have that.
>I guess you want everything in your life to work like a refrigerator--it
>just is, and it always was, and it always works without you thinking
>about it.
Looks like that describes you in a more important way. There's no
insult here, just an observaiton. And yes, I know you won't get it.
>. Well, something like show/nav or ACA isn't like that. It
>depends on the program material.
Yes. Therefore if you want CA to work reliably, you have to be
selective about what you watch. Just as some others have said..
>If you don't like it, you can turn it off. But once you've had it on,
>you don't turn it off except for the few times it mistakes program
>material for a commercial break.
And just how did you know you missed something?
> You turn it off, get through your
>program material, then turn it back on.
Why turn it back on? It could fail at any time.
>Frankly, it sounds like you have ACA envy. Why--do you have a 55xx
>series, or maybe a Tivo?
Actually 5080. Absolutely no TiVo. Sorry for not fitting your