Asus aspire e1-522 wont turn on


Mar 9, 2018
The laptop gives a orange light on the battery Icon , only when both ac adapter and battery are connected.
I've Checked If It was the charger, and It wasnt , the laptop still doesnt turn on. could someone help me please?
That covering holes was just for testing if its gpu related. It might be also one capacitor gone bad in motherboard, but troubleshooting this would require multimeter at minumum.

Just for the heck of it download memtest for usb / dvd and run couple of passes, if it wont give any errors we can say its not atleast memory related.

You could try doing mild reflow on the APU, nothing near melting solder but just to see if its failing connection inside chip which can be fixed for a short period without even going 220c temperature. Dont do this long and high temperature, you just need 100-150c to test this, if it works for next 50-100 boots then issue is surely this.
Complete fix would be...
so you tried start it without battery i guess? if didnt work then remove battery and power cable and press and hold power button for 1 full minute. then put power cable back and try.

So you get nothing when pressing power button or hear fan etc?

I do not hear anything, no HDD no Fan etc, I only see the battery light (which is orange) turned on, this light only appears when both Ac adapter and battery are in and plugged, once I take off the Ac adapter and only have the battery on the laptop no signal not even the light, which makes me believe the battery is one of the problems, but also when the battery is out and theres only the ac adapter plugged without the battery, the light doesnt appear aswell, only appears when both are connected.
And I did try the 1 minute holding power key, without both ac and battery out, still the same
Something is shorted. Any possibility of a liquid damage to the laptop? Check for broken pins or misplaced pins on usb and other ports in the laptop.

Try remove ram and start, any luck? Remove hdd and start and keep going removing parts. Most liquid damage happens at keyboard or keyboard connected ( and near keyboard connector)

you have multimeter??

I will try to do what you mention, I do not have a multimeter atm, but I had absolutly no contact with liquids, I will let you know once I discover something, thank you for the patience

Ok so here's what happened, I opened up the laptop, I cleaned everything, I took off the HDD and booted, same problem happened, removed 1 ram thingy and left the other one, and still the same, I then changed the 2 rams to the different ram slots, the only thing left was to remove the other ram, but I didn't do it since it was late, but today I woke up, and instead of a Orange light on the battery Icon, I got a blue Light, Which is pretty weird, the pc still doesn't turn on the only thing that changed was the color of the light. Any clues?
Try boot without any ram installed, do you get error beeps / or flashing lights?

Use this video for disassembly but dont use metal tools like that guy, something plastic or just your hands (you can have ram on if you tested it all ways and it wont work):
If fan starts spinning you found the short and its the part you just removed before trying to boot, if your familiar with tech you can go on with disassembly after my advices but if not i can help what to do after this. Always after you try to boot use only power cable and if it failed take it out and press again 10sec power button and continue with disassembly

1. always remove battery and power cord before disassembly and press power button for 10seconds to drain any current from the motherboard
2. after removing front panel at 7min0sec you see cmos / bios battery round one with 3v, remove it and press power button (you see power button connector and button so you can press it even without front panel) for 30secs. If dont work buy new cr2032 battery for it or remove it and try to boot. Try it all ways.
3. at 7:20 you see him remove usb board connector do that and also 8.45 he remove wifi card, remove that too. After removing connectors try to boot. ( be careful not to leave any connectors hanging around and shorting motherboard)
4. 7.50sec he will remove screen connector, do that carefully and try to boot, does fan start spinning?

Those photos are from yesterday, Like I said I cleaned everything, but that fan Iron looks pretty weird, I dunno If that looks even good, but yea I've checked the Usb Pins and they seem perfect
Ah you already got fan and mobo out 😀
There can be some oil spils etc on the heatsink its ok, only if you see liquid damage or corrosion on motherboard that is bad.
Need more high resolution photos of motherboard. Did you see any damage or liquid in motherboard?
Try boot with only fan connected and power button. Remeber when using power cable keep motherboard in non conductive material like wood or cardboard.
Also if you remove cmos battery and plugin power cable it should boot automatically without even pressing power button. This is good for testing if power button cable / board is fine.
Try also test without fan connected at all. does cpu get hot when trying to power on? Take power cable fast off if it starts getting hot so wont damage cpu

Do you have a spi programmer or multimeter?


Hello there fagetti, something really weird happened today, so I had cleaned everything and I did everything you told me to do.
but it still wouldn't work that day.
And I get home today, to click on the power button, and the computer just powered on, normally like nothing ever happened... any ideia of what the issue was?
Did you remove cmos battery while doing "everything i said"? Probably bios reset. When you did try to boot while it was disassembled, what all did you have connected to motherboard that time? Or some connection was loose, also some laptops wont let boot if example fan is not connected or other important connector.

This might be gpu related also if problem reoccurs. This means problem comes and goes, sometimes boot sometimes not.

Yes I did all that u told me to do, and yesI removed the bios battery, and then I putted it in again, but still with all of this it didnt seem to work, only the pc booted up 2/3 days later.


Hello there again! Like you assumed, the computer is not powering up again, what should I do to fix this?


I have an APU, so I think that is a cpu integrated with the graphics card