ASUS FX502VML - fans keep turning full power then suddenly off

Apr 21, 2018
Hi guys,

I got my computer back in December 2016 and by far everything was quite OK, although three months ago it has been serviced for a faulty keyboard backspace and also throttling for no reason.

The issue that I mentioned in the title I noticed exactly 2 weeks back - Saturday 7th of April. I turned on my computer early in the morning and the fans would run full speed which was very unusual. I checked the task manager but it there was literally no load on the computer. Later that day I got in connection with Microsoft and they asked me to let them in my computer via some tool. It took 3 hours and 2 different technicians to conclude that this is not a software problem. I didn't believe them, though, because just the previous night (6th of April) some updates have been installed without even asking for permission. Since I've been quite busy the past two weeks I almost no chance to search for a solution of that issue but finally 2 days ago I found time for that and started searching on Google. To my surprise a lot of people have been having this problem on Windows 10. I tried a lot of things: changing my power plan, resetting my BIOS to default settings, making sure that I'm using the latest BIOS version, updated all my software, searched for viruses and so on. I ended up re-installing my Windows 10 but that wasn't enough to solve my problem.

This week I got in touch with the local ASUS hotline and they suggested that filled in a RMA and sent my computer to Sweden (I'm currently located in Denmark), however, from past experience I know that the whole RMA process is a tedious one. I am really looking forward to finding a solution by myself or with the kind help of the community. The problem came out of nowhere so I believe it's software-related, but I cannot understand how a OS re-install wouldn't solve it.

Here's my support template filled in:

Bios version: GL502VML.301

CPU: i7 6700HQ @ 2.6GHz

Memory amount in GB: 24

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB

SSD/HDDs/Optical drives: TS128GMTS800

AC Adapter: Original

Operating system: Original ASUS factory image or clean install - both tried
Microsoft Activated - yes

Drivers Installed (include version and especially any non-ASUS approved notebook drivers):
GeForce - 391.35

Any third Party temp/voltage software installed:

System Overclocked (provide details)?

Any hardware upgraded?
On the day I bought the computer I also bought the above mentioned SSD which was installed by the ASUS dealer from which my computer has been bought.

Many thanks in advance!
i have the same issue before with one of my laptop and end up doing a power far the issue no longer persist.not sure if this will work for you though.i agree though rma process is very tedious at time thats why its better to do it yourself before sending it over.

shutdown the laptop,remove the battery(cmos battery as well if u planned on resetting the cmos).then hold the power button for like 30sec.plugged in the battery and power adapter and turn the laptop back on.
Unfortunately I cannot either remove the battery or the CMOS battery cause they are both under the bottom panel. As I mentioned above my laptop has already been serviced for some other reason and is now sealed with service tapes. If broken the warranty voids... Is any other option available to drain the battery?

nope thats the only previous laptop also have non removable battery and i have to tear it apart and unplugged the battery connector.quite a hassle though.if u are afraid of voiding warranty then there is no other option except to rma it or u could try to remove the tape carefully and slowly XD
Hi everyone,

Exactly the same trouble here on the same laptop that I've got. (ASUS FX502V - modèle GL502VML)

Almost the same date, maybe early on, I contact the Asus repair service on the 4th of April 2018, but I noticed the bug, some weeks ago... (I'm in France - maybe the update of Win10 was a little earlier).

Their answer was 2 choices :
- Restore to Default Settings BIOS and Motherboard
- sent back the computer for RMA

Like you I don't like the second option, and for the first one, it did nothing.

I noticed that the trouble is not continue and regular, I mean, sometimes the fan have a very normal behavior - low and quiet - for all the day.
But sometimes, it runs crazy and makes me crazy as well, it keeps going ON and OFF at full speed on very short periods (from 10 to 60 seconds ON - then OFF for a while, no regularity - Repeat).

The behavior is very "surprising", because it's happening when I use Photoshop / Illustrator and co + Mozilla for exemple - and I could understand that even if it didn't happen before - BUT even if I'm litteraly doing nothing, no program is running (only the low back services), the fan is going mad. (for me it's the fan on the right top corner which is going crazy - it's supposed to be the CPU / Nvidia Fan ...)

I hope that someone will find something to help us - I concretly know nothing about resolving this kind of problem.

Many thanks to anyone.