Asus g732SW Possible trouble


Mar 11, 2011
Hey Guys I just bought a Asus g73SW with SSD Hybrid Drive and the new I7 in it. Now when I got it I had to send it back to Asus because I could tell that somthing was wrong not sure what but it was acting funny. I finally got it back from asus been a month since I bought and finally got to acutally mess with it. (I know Asus Tech support sucks but it was a awesome deal). I have a question they said they replaced a part which is fine, but it is still doing somthing I noticed before I sent it in. When the Windows 7 splash screen starts up with the swirling balls its pauses for just a sec then contiunes on without a problem. Now is this normal or should I just send the whole damn thing back to Mwave and get my money. I really want the laptop and its Sandy Bridge Tech so its fact I just want to make sure Its not messed up for 1700 bucks?
Are you having any other problems?


Mar 11, 2011

I kept asking them to tell me what part they replaced but they would not for some reason. Now here is the thing, I researched this comp alot before I bought and was orginally plan on buying the G73JH model (Which is slightly slower)when I noticed this one came out with sandy bridge tech. From the research strictly from preformance wise I could run WoW on ultra setting with no framerate drop, I sent it back because of the freezing problem I mentioned and I thought It was underpreforming as I was getting about 30 frames in the world on wow and 60 in the city which is odd. I know WoW is old I didn't get the comp for that, but for other games such as Rift and SWTOR when it launches.

So the answer to your question is from what I could tell I sent it back cause I thought it was underpreforming which turns out somthing was wrong with it, and my friend that has a G73JH model runs WoW on ultra without any framerate drop and he informed me that I should probably send it in... I am not laptop man I own HighEnd Desktop rig so this is my frist foray into laptops.

The answer to your 2nd question is I can't tell if its doing anything else wrong at the moment.. eveeryhting else seems to be running find on the desktop.. internet and such but I have not been able to test it on WoW again as I am still loading and patching it. Just asking if the little freeze was really bad or should I not worry about it?