Asus K53E Charging Port Issue

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Nov 3, 2012
Hi everyone!
So about a month and a half ago I started having charging problems with my Asus laptop. The charge started toggling between "AC Mode" and "Battery Mode" and the LED light toggled on and off unless I held the charger in firmly the entire time it was in use. I had planned to fix it quickly until I got really sick and was unable to, now that I feel better I wanted to start working on it. The other day I noticed while holding in the charger an ample amount of heat coming from the connector head and immediately took the charger out. This is a new development for my pc issue. My question(s) is:
1) Is this a charging port issue as I first assumed?
2) With the charger now heating up at the port, is something else causing the problem?
3) What is the best solution to fix this?

If I hold the charger in, the battery icon reads "X& available (plugged in, charging) as it should normally. Any advice/info is appreciated!

Asus K53E
Windows 7 Home Premium x-64bit, SP 1
AC/DC Adapter Input 100-240V (1.5A), Output 19V (3.42A)
Hi I had the same problem and I took it to a repair shop and made a deal of 100 Saudi riyals (don't know how much dollars that is) and after he did that he tried charging it but nothing happend can you help? Asus K53E
My K53e port stopped working as with so many others as posted. Can't believe quotes if $200 (rip off) to get fixed. After research looks easier to buy $65 external charger/cord (eBay/amazon) that charges the batteries when taken off laptop. Get a spare battery ($18-25) and keep it charged. Switch out batteries as needed, might get 2 hours of use at a time. At least can use machine that way. A little cheaper.

My computer is ASUS but the charging Plug I have to hold if I wanna charge it but my dad says the charging port is broken how do I fix that?
My fiancé's x53s has this issue. I took it to Micro Center and they confirmed what I suspected. They bragged about their "service department" vs Best Buy's "shipping department" (read: Geek Squad). Except they pussed out and wanted to ship it out to replace the mobo for $200.


I hate nerd hubris.

Fixing it myself. If it doesn't work, just put the hard drive in an enclosure and use the data on a real computer, as in, not a laptop. Biggest scams of the century. They give meaning to "planned obsolescence".
Add me to the list of people with issues .. same thing with the power and connection. I like the computer, but it won’t stay charged with the power cord, I have to hold in firmly. This just started happening about a month ago and bought computer in September 2011. Never had this issue with any other laptop. Very frustrating.

This was somewhat helpful, emphasis on "somewhat" , this is because my ASUS charger may be the same as yours, mine will only charge in a certain position, like yours, but it doesn't end up heating up. I find this very strange. If anyone has a solution, email me at:, thank you.
Unfortunately I have no solution, just the same ugly irritating problem. Went to Micro Center and they will fix for $400. What crazy person would do that just to watch it fail again!!!!! We paid almost a $1000 for the computer and the warranty, just to be told after a year and a half that it was not covered. This is so wrong.

It is truly bad design that is terribly flimsy to keep is sleek and small and lightweight. Stay away from ASUS and make your presence known on their Facebook page. I look at all the glitzy pictures and now realize it is ALL STYLE and NO SUBSTANCE.

I have a 3 year warranty that is still good but they call this wear and tear so far. (We are still talking) I can only hope that enough of us can create awareness so that people will not waste their hard earned dollars.

UTAH is right - we need to all write on their FB at the following:

Update: I just returned from Micro Center Houston. They stated that they recently changed tech service partners because they were unhappy with the coverage for their customers. MC will now honor our three year warranty in spite of the former (less than fair) conditions and terms of the previous warranty/insurance company.

If the repair is less than 80% of the value, they will repair for no charge. If more than 80%, or unavailable (or if it fails within the remainder of the warranty) they will replace with a new computer of our choice.

I believe what pushed them over the edge was that my husband presented a receipt for full coverage warranty repair (under the same circumstances) on his new recent laptop purchase that was only $40 more than what we bought two years ago.
I had a similar issue with an Asus K53E. However my solution(as many of my solutions are for bad connectors) was not something that should be tried in a professional setting. I actually removed the connector...leaving only the positive lead. Fortunately for me, there are many "ground points" on this mb for the negative lead. So I just soldered the power supply wires straight to the motherboard. Again, this is not a professional repair, it is more of a hack. But if you're an ameteur and are fixing the laptop for yourself AND you don't mind a laptop with a "tail" this is worth a shot.
i have ASUS K43SD,..same problem,..toggling AC DC,..and LED...
i checked almost everything, hardware and software deficiency,..real problem is the AC socket connector..i soldered it,.but still won't work...ONLY solution,.get another socket 'other' ONLY solution ^^ never getting back to ASUS..GL to all!
I am on my second Asus. Love the computer, but this is the second machine (different model) with charging issues. On my last computer, the power supply was on the mother board so fixing it would have required a replacement. I'm afraid to even have this one looked at as I suspect it's the same issue. Mine just started this so I'm going to get everything backed up quickly and shop for a different brand. Hate it, because I've been really pleased with these computers, other than this issue.


I'm experiencing the EXACT SAME ISSUE FOR THE SECOND TIME IN TWO YEARS on the same Asus laptop. After the first fix (motherboard completely replaced after being in the shop for one month) the laptop worked fine. When the charging problem started again, my local laptop repair shop resoldered something, and it worked as it should for about one month, then started acting up again...toggling between AC and batter mode. Very annoying.

I've loved my Asus otherwis, but I'm switching brands now, since it's no longer covered under warranty and the problem has re-occured. Asus will fail if more people start talking about this VERY COMMON problem unique to Asus laptops.
Yes. I have the same problem. This is my first and last ASUS. Hardly ever even move the thing from the desk, so it doesn't have a lot to do with wear and tear. BEST BUY urged me to buy an expensive warranty... Tis a shame. 🙁

We have two of.these laptops and one has a faulty ac jack.Have to hold it.or tape place for the charging light to come.on.Seems to me there is a manufacturer defect.Have had this problem.for a year now.Quoted $130 for repair in Canada

I have an ASUS K53SV. I have sent it in to have this problem fixed TWICE and it is now happening again. Based on how common this experience seems to be, I'll be buying a different brand next time, even though I've loved everything else about this laptop.
Did anyone find someone specific to send complaints to?
Hi All,
I'm currently looking into the K53E Asus charging fault after two models I have, both experienced the fault. Asus have said that it's neither a known fault, or a manufacturers fault something I'm disputing. The reason I'm posting this is to get some details of any other users with this issue to present to Asus UK.
Whether or not you've had the fault fixed privately or not could you get in contact with me on the email address below, so I can go directly to Asus UK to show them otherwise. Also if you'd like the details of your complaints regarding the faults sent to Asus feel free to let me know on the email sent.
Kind Regards Shane,
[no email]
I have fixed this same issue many times on this series of laptops and charge $100 for the service. The problem is that the center lead (+) gets a hairline fracture between the post going to the planar board and the back of the power jack. The 'supports' for the power jack on one side are attached to a 'tail' of planar board giving limited support. The power supply provided for the system, having an L shape, often will be angled down if you have it connected and set the system down. I can see how Asus can qualify this as wear and tear, but I would still say it is poor design on their part.
Just here to point out that I had this problem several times with my Asus X53sv. Bought it 3.5 years ago and repaired it 4-5 times for the same issue for 50-80€ each time. A month ago it started having the same problem. I ended up selling it and buying an MSI laptop, which seems to be a more solid brand. This is definitely a design problem (or planned failing, who knows) and I will never buy something from Asus again until they acknowledge their fault and say they are willing to fix it in the future.

edit: forgot to mention that the first time I got this issue, the laptop was still under warranty and Asus changed the whole motherboard. Obviously this didn't fix anything
When I plug in my power cord to the power jack I have to push it in can I somehow just pull out the power jack so that I don't have to push it in

i think if so many people have the same problem this is worthy of a class action against ASUS, i have the exact same problem and my nephew did too at the same time.. I had made a complain to @ASUSUSA ON TWITTER.. i think other customers should see how poor this product is and how may people had the same problem to at least prevent them from buying... is you do complain to ASUS on thier public forums (facebook, twitter, etc) they will have to take an action as recall laptops or something of that sort. let me know if something has been initiated.
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