Hi , This is a hardware heating problem ... but you can fix it yourself
when cooling system cant handle some parts of CPU chip and that spots getting so hot this problem occurs
_ so what is the reason ? the first reason is plastic tape on top of cpu chip . ASUS factory place a tape on side of chip to avoid thermal paste from that spots you have to remove it completely and never put it back !!
_ and the second reason is thermal paste itself !! you have to choose great thermal paste like "Deep Cool Z5 or Z9" and replace it with factory default , when you do that you have to sure all of chip and a little around of it air free and perfectly connected to heat sink by thermal paste also ...
i've tested it and it worked just fine , if the problem still there you have to do it again
if you're not familiar with laptop hardware and disassembling don't do that !!! you could damage your laptop hardware
i hope your problem solved with this solution 😉