I've narrowed it down to 2 laptops for gaming and need help figuring out which would be better.
$1400 is about the max I'm looking to spend. I'm not totally sure what I need to take into consideration when buying a laptop for gaming aside from the graphics card. Both laptops have the GeForce GTX 970M. I am unsure if it is better to have the dual core of the ASUS as opposed to the quad core of the Eluktro. Does the amount of RAM matter very much (8GB for the Eluktro as opposed to 16GB of the ASUS)? Any help is appreciated!
1.) ASUS ROG G751 Series G751JT-CH71 $1399 + Free Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
2.) Eluktro Pro Premium Gaming Laptop PC $1349 (choose 8GB of Ram)
$1400 is about the max I'm looking to spend. I'm not totally sure what I need to take into consideration when buying a laptop for gaming aside from the graphics card. Both laptops have the GeForce GTX 970M. I am unsure if it is better to have the dual core of the ASUS as opposed to the quad core of the Eluktro. Does the amount of RAM matter very much (8GB for the Eluktro as opposed to 16GB of the ASUS)? Any help is appreciated!
1.) ASUS ROG G751 Series G751JT-CH71 $1399 + Free Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

2.) Eluktro Pro Premium Gaming Laptop PC $1349 (choose 8GB of Ram)