Asus X555D not first booting correctly


Apr 17, 2016
I just received the computer in the mail today. I charged it all day while i was out and turned it on when i got home. It boots up and says "Hi there and asks for the language. I input all the information then it asks if i want to use express settings. I have tried custom and using express settings. After this is says " wait a moment" then restarts and starts the process over.I have tried multiple times with the same result.The only difference from very first boot is that it doesn't ask for internet anymore. Any help would be much appreciated.
That would have helped but i can't even get logged in or make an account so it didn't help. After searching the web i discovered the wifi was the issue so i went into the bios menu and deactivated it. once deactivated the computer booted fine.I will reactivate and if it still works you won't hear from me. Thank you though.