Asus Zenbook pro 3 high pitched noise


Nov 8, 2016
I bought an ASUS zenbook pro 3 a week ago, it is very good piece of hardware, however everynow in a then i hear a sound, something like what would come out of a very high pitch electrical signal in the audible range.

I have read that this might be due to power management settings, but i am not sure, can be a faulty hardware? anyway to fix that noise?

I am always around electronics, i am an electronics engineer, and i bought this laptop to be a powerhorse for the different tasks i need but i will try.

Can this be coming from turning on and off the processor fan for idle state? or is it a fault with the speaker?

How can ASUS sell a device at 1400 euros that fails like this, I really need this machine now, I cant return it for service.

Mohamed Ashour
I tried tonight to stay in my room, put my phone , gaming consoles, ipod and all electronics outside, however it is still there.

I am not sure what to do, the noise is only audible when i am in a quite room, i have tried turning off the idle state of the process, but it just varied the fan hum.

The noise is like what would come from listening to speaker badly soldered to its board, but its not like continous ugly hum, it comes once. not a discharging cap whistle. its very strange! i never heared something like that, it must be electric noise, but i cant trace its source, or even be able to describe to amazon or asus! or google it , very disappointed 🙁
Ok i am starting to suspect a bit of a strange pattern.
If i run any kind of Audio, and then mute the volume of the laptop, these buzzes do not happen.

Now i put some dummy app to play any music in repeat and then mute it from the audio mixer!

Could this be an audio driver problem? caz obviously it is affected by software usage, and keeping the sound card busy seems to make it go away.
After some time, i have found that the only way to get rid of that idle noise is to disable the realtek sound driver from the Device Manager when am working and not using sound! Its a temporary fix, but i cant return the laptop for service now, i am in quite desperate need for it.
One more update, after a couple of days of doing this i just removed the Realtek audio driver and let the windows manage it, and guess what problem solved!

No idea what might cause this, hope asus releases an updated driver to fix this.
Hey bud. I got the same issue. I just bought the Asus Zenbook Pro UX501VW a month ago and I got the same annoying electrical buzz coming from under the area of the 8, U, an I keys on the keyboard. It goes away as I scroll the mouse, then returns as soon as I stop scrolling. Also, the sound coming out of the left speaker is noticeably louder than the sound coming out of the right speaker. (Seperate issue from the electrical buzz, but not sure. Could be related.). I've opened up a Tech Support Ticket with Asus. I may be sending it back.
I tried disabling the Realtek Audio driver and it helps, but if I put my ear to the same area of the keyboard where the noise was coming from, I can still hear it. It's almost as if it's some kind of electrical feedback. When I scroll on the screen or use the mouse it seems to change the pitch of the buzz, but the sound correlates to my movements. Something is going on in there! I'll let you know what Asus says as soon as I get around to troubleshooting further.

I just bought the UX501V in December 2016 and I get the same exact problem! This high-pitched buzz comes from under the "U" key area and lessens or stops when I'm scrolling with the track pad. I seems to fairly randomly start and stop, I can't link it to anything obvious like a program or power setting...

(Also my track pad was loose out of the box. It makes a physical clicking noise when lightly pressed. Just curious if Asus has such poor quality control across the board or if it's just my luck)

This describes exactly what I am experiencing on my Zenbook UX303UB, did you ever find out the cause or a solution?

I am experiencing the exact same thing with the exact same laptop- UX303UB. I have had the laptop for 13 months. Also wondering if anyone found a fix...

Update! Found a fix- at least for now. I put in a ticket with ASUS help on their website, and the employee told me to do this, and the maddening noise has gone away for now:
"Now I was able to get your model specifications generated and for the issue described it does appear to be a hardware issue and would require the unit being serviced but I would like you to attempt the following steps for me and lets see if this helps to get the issue resolved:

Step 1. Please turn off the unit completely.
Step 2. Please turn the unit on and quickly press the F2 key on the keyboard to enter the BIOS.
Step 3. Please press the F9 key in the BIOS to load optimized defaults and select yes to confirm.
Step 4. Please press the F10 key to save and exit."

Sir, I know this is going to sound very strange, but, disable your microphone. I had the same issue on a UX303 and that worked for me.

In an asus ux501vw (the zenbook pro) I had the same cracking noise that sounds like you have an old HDD- I had to open the cover to verify there is only a SSD there and not a second faulty old HDD. I looked in several newsgroups and so on and some were tracing the problem to the skylake processor and its soldering to the motherboard that would resonate when the CPU throttles. I abandoned looking for a solution since one year now, and then I had the idea to search again and look into this thread. I disabled/enabled the microphone and yes indeed when the mic is on the sound is there and disappears when the mic is off. Then I loaded the optimized defaults in BIOS and the sound is gone even when the mic is on... But I am just day one of the solution. I will report again on the status of the problem. Thanks to all for sharing their solutions!!!

Hi! How is it going?