AT&T Announces MiFi Intelligent Mobile Hotspot

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Lets see, I believe the Samsung Galaxy Tab and iPad use the standard $15/250MB or $30/2GB pricing. Plus, this thing IS a hotspot, so don't forget to add a $30/mo hotspot fee on top of that.
No more unlimited plans sucks.....The MiFi from Virgin Mobil (Sprint) still has unlimited data. It's constantly sold out. I'm with AT&T only because the data plans from Verizon is outrageous. Sprint is okay, but i'm not going pay an extra $10 just for 4G (because that's what I would get if I were to go to Sprint). I'm happy with my AT&T family data plan right now. I pay $10 a month for unlimited and I have a rooted Moto XT701 phone which I can tether (WiFi and USB), so all you iPhone users out there can suck it.
This is going to further strain the already strained AT&T network for sure.

On a side note, can we have advertisers use the word "Christmas" instead of holiday? I'm no Christian but come on, respect the damn tradition.
In Europe people have been tethering their cell phones for years using their cell data plan for fast, internet online gaming and among other things. Can we get anyone to represent us so we can break up the Big 4 telecom companies? I'm sick of these idiots that are so brainwashed with corporation propaganda its sickening.
[citation][nom]__-_-_-__[/nom]stupid hardware. almost any current smarthphone can work as a mobile hotspot. it just requires to install software. I use it for ages. now with 4g.[/citation]

Depends where you live & what makes sense there. I have an Android but use a provider with cheap calls, SMS, & no chains attached. I have a Mifi too with 5GB for cheap. So why don't I use my Android as a hotspot? Because I'm a moron who's too stupid to pay more when it doesn't make sense ;-)
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