AT2035 Not Showing Up (have an audio interface)

The Proper Bloke

Jun 7, 2016
So I plugged in my Focusrite Scarlett Solo (2nd gen), made sure it was powered on, drivers installed, and good to go. Then I plugged in the female and male xlr cables from the audio interface to my AT2035. When I look at my recording devices, I don't see the AT2035, but I do see the audio interface. What am I missing here? I'm not sure if there's a light on the mic to show if it's powered or on, but if so, I don't see any lights. I switched different brand xlr cables and still got the same result. Help!

An Extra Thing I Noticed:
The audio interface I have has more than enough phantom power to support the at2035 (48v), that being said when I press the 48v button, it turns red (good) but the analog right above it flashes green for a split second then turns off... I'm pretty sure that analog is suppose to glow green, especially when the mic is active.

The green light is only supposed to be there if you have sound from the mic. When you talk loud enough in the AT2035, does the green light become active? If not, then you need to check your AT2035. Be sure the pad is set to 0db, and low cut isn't on.

If you still have no sound on the amp, and your volume is high, then you should check another microphone. If another mic works, you AT2035 is defective.

The green light is only supposed to be there if you have sound from the mic. When you talk loud enough in the AT2035, does the green light become active? If not, then you need to check your AT2035. Be sure the pad is set to 0db, and low cut isn't on.

If you still have no sound on the amp, and your volume is high, then you should check another microphone. If another mic works, you AT2035 is defective.

Okay, the mic works, I just didn't boost up the gain. First time using an audio interface, but now I know. Thanks for the help!