ATI's "HDTV Wonder" PCI Tuner Card?



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Has anyone used this expansion card in their PC? I added it to a new
computer I just built a few weeks ago, and love the far. I did
have some problems with it locking up my System at first, but after I
downloaded the latest Drivers from ATI all the problems went away. This
card will just ignore anything like the "broadcast flag" and make near
perfect recording on a HDD of ANY Digital broadcast HD or SD. It also has a
NTSC cable ready tuner for old analog TV as well...just to be complete. At
about $190 or less at, it's a steal.

Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote in

> Has anyone used this expansion card in their PC? I added it to a
> new computer I just built a few weeks ago, and love the
> far. I did have some problems with it locking up my System at
> first, but after I downloaded the latest Drivers from ATI all the
> problems went away. This card will just ignore anything like the
> "broadcast flag" and make near perfect recording on a HDD of ANY
> Digital broadcast HD or SD. It also has a NTSC cable ready tuner
> for old analog TV as well...just to be complete. At about $190 or
> less at, it's a steal.

Can it record 2 HD streams at once?
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Nope, sorry. It only has one tuner. I watch one channel on my HDTV and
record the second on my PC (when I want to).

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I think ATI is saying it will work with MCE 2005, which will support one,
two, or three tuner cards, So we're talking about $400 for two tuners plus
about $140 for an OEM copy of XP MCE 2005.

<> wrote in message
> Nope, sorry. It only has one tuner. I watch one channel on my HDTV and
> record the second on my PC (when I want to).
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I get an error message telling me my Nvidia card need an updated driver.
But ATI and NVidia has me chasing my tail.
Anybody know of a newsgroup (FAQ) that can offer me some help?
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I sure wish I did! My problem with the HDTV Wonder card is not as bad as
yours, but then I'm using the Asus AX-600XT PCI-Express vid card. Being
based on the ATI Radeon chip it works kind'a OK with the ATI HDTV Wonder
card. Plus the AX-600XT vid card has a Three-wire Component Video output to
permit you to drive a full sized HDTV. With this combo I can record OTA HD
broadcast and then play them back on my HDTV downstairs. Also the RF Remote
works thru the walls so I can control the Computer from in front of the
HDTV...also neat! The problem I'm having is that the "retro" analog tuner
also built in the HDTV Wonder card seems to work OK until you try to "close"
the display on your computer monitor. It will lock up my WinXP Pro system
every time! Task Manager or any other attempt to get "it" to exit will
fail. I'm left with this big "white hole" in the center of my monitor
screen where the Analog TV display used to be. The only fix is to reboot.
I've gone to ATI's web site and down-loaded/installed all the latest drivers
for both the HDTV Card and the Vid card. Hey, so I only use it for HD, but
that is why I got it. It does make for an inexpensive HiDef HDD Recorder,
that works great so long as you don't try to watch anything on Analog Cable.
I'm recording on a WD 250GB SATA HDD that gives me more that 35 hours of HD

Archived from groups: (More info?) is a forum w/lots to offer -- see the multimedia section

"Seedy" <> wrote in message
> I get an error message telling me my Nvidia card need an updated driver.
> But ATI and NVidia has me chasing my tail.
> Anybody know of a newsgroup (FAQ) that can offer me some help?