Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)
Has anyone used this expansion card in their PC? I added it to a new
computer I just built a few weeks ago, and love the results...so far. I did
have some problems with it locking up my System at first, but after I
downloaded the latest Drivers from ATI all the problems went away. This
card will just ignore anything like the "broadcast flag" and make near
perfect recording on a HDD of ANY Digital broadcast HD or SD. It also has a
NTSC cable ready tuner for old analog TV as well...just to be complete. At
about $190 or less at NewEgg.com, it's a steal.
Has anyone used this expansion card in their PC? I added it to a new
computer I just built a few weeks ago, and love the results...so far. I did
have some problems with it locking up my System at first, but after I
downloaded the latest Drivers from ATI all the problems went away. This
card will just ignore anything like the "broadcast flag" and make near
perfect recording on a HDD of ANY Digital broadcast HD or SD. It also has a
NTSC cable ready tuner for old analog TV as well...just to be complete. At
about $190 or less at NewEgg.com, it's a steal.