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You should go to work for the ReplayTV tech support department! They could
use a person who answers quickly and helpfully! Even though I had all my
cabling done according to the installation diagram, your suggestion to use
my AV receiver's S-video in/out jacks made a world of difference. THANKS!!!
John in Detroit wrote:
> TLP wrote:
>> I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem with my RTV5504. I sometimes
>> get pixilated video, either on recorded programs or live TV. Could
>> this be because my AV receiver is on top of the ReplayTV unit? TIA!
> I have noticed it pixilates when the signal is too weak and it can't
> see all of it, Since I'm watching "Off the air broadcast" this does
> not make sense. I would not expect static to pixilate
> Here iare some suggestions
> First:
> CHECK ALL CONNECTIONS Do not just check to make sure they are screwed
> in tight, Remove and inspect to make sure the cable looks good. I
> had a serious problem with one of my VCR's and the tv it feeds
> here... Turns out the cable end was bad and needed to be re-assembled.
> Assumption... You are feeding the REPLAY via the ANT-IN (RF-IN) jack
> IF your AV receiver has direcct video out, or better yet S-Video out
> (many do) USE IT, to feed the RePlay. S-Video is an option (Needs to
> be set up via the menus) on the LINE-2 input only, Standard
> Left-Right-Compisit can be put in via either line 1 or line 2. But
> Left-Right S-Video is a line 2 only, and you MUST select the S-Video
> input in setup menu