avast.bitdefender or win defender


Mar 29, 2016
does win 10 has enough security with win defender or avast , bitdefender or any other security solution is better than it ?
The free bitdefender is crap but the paid version is the highest rated product.

If windows was adequate at protecting itself then there would not be a multi-billion dollar industry of third-party antivirus products for home consumers.

Watch amazon and newegg and you will find kaspersky or bitdefender for $20 or less.
depends; how careless are you? are you or anyone else likely to use the computer prone to visiting sites with the term "free mp3/videos/ porn (...why?)/etc. downloads"?

i've been solely relying on MSE/Windows Defender with a little help from add-ons/extensions in the form of flash blocks, script blocks, and WebOfTrust (WOT), with no problems whatsoever. but that's me. I don't google for "free" stuff or visit suspicious sites.

if you have to, Avira sounds like the top dog lately. Avast from my experience 2 years back, has gone the way of the bloatware. let's not even talk about AVG. for additional protection, get Malwarebytes and do a frequent scan if you're paranoid. pay for it if you can afford it. otherwise the free version is just as good, sans auto detection.

I wouldn't recommend Windows Defender to anyone.. really it needs work still.


Maybe this is just me but I would rather trust one program than two plus a handful of addons or extensions. Having one source that keeps things updated is less likely to have issues than a handful.

As far as bloatware goes, Avast, Avira and AVG all give you bloatware now. You need to pay attention when they install and avoid the extra added BS. You also need to configure things properly and turn off the swath of features they give you for what is basically a trail of all of their products.

,it just requires a little housekeeping after install.under components deselect everything but file system shield,web shield,and mail shield.we all know that free programs have a lot of stuff we would rather not have.

We appreciate the feedback everybody!

You can customize your install of Avast Free 2017, if you are choosing the free version, to select only the features you want. We will occasionally show offers for our other products (it's how we help support Free) but we now have Game Mode (plus the original silent mode) which mutes all notifications when either a game is running, or an app is full screen. The new version is also improved in terms of UI, performance, etc. I think you'll find it to be quite speedy and unobtrusive!

We also just added Behavior Shield, and that plus CyberCapture makes it a big upgrade from "basic" protection 😉

Here's some technical info about the new features, and feel free to let me know if you have any questions at all.




Avast Team
I don't know it has been mentioned but Bitdefender has a free version with ,protection wise,is as good as the paid ones.I have 3pc's 2 have Bitdefender paid and the other one has the free version.Also it's quite lightweight.

Madmatt, super concerned about this. We work hard to keep Avast light on resources. Was a scan running when you were checking this? (An active scan would be noticeable) I have Avast for Business (which has now been updated with the 2017 features/engine) running on my machine now and processes -- even Behavior Shield -- fraction of a percent of CPU usage. So I'm worried what you saw is definitely not normal. If you can, please message me with the version you were running and the features you had enabled so we can look into it!