Avia Disk setup question


Apr 1, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

I am trying to set up my Mitsubishi 48313 with the Avia Disk. Do i
need to have Auto color Correction turned off and perfect color turned
on when setting the color/tint and verifing the color with the
decoder. Any pointers related and also unrelated would be helpful.
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

athaided@hotmail.com (david) wrote in message news:<cade243d.0405241056.4712da0d@posting.google.com>...
> hi
> I am trying to set up my Mitsubishi 48313 with the Avia Disk. Do i
> need to have Auto color Correction turned off and perfect color turned
> on when setting the color/tint and verifing the color with the
> decoder. Any pointers related and also unrelated would be helpful.
> thanks

Any "auto" features on your TV should be turned off.
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

After adjusting the color and tint using the Avia disk. the next
section is the color decoder section where one has to look thru the
blue, green and red filter. Forgive me for asking this dumb question,
but what are you supposed to look at. Are you suppose to look at the
rest of the screen and compare the rest of the screen to the blue bars
and get your results?. I cannot make a comparison whatsoever any
pointers etc. Also, after that do you have to go to your color balance
and ajust the blue color, or red color etc. For example if red is over
15% to reduce it do you do it in color balance and adust the red color
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

david wrote:
> hi
> After adjusting the color and tint using the Avia disk. the next
> section is the color decoder section where one has to look thru the
> blue, green and red filter. Forgive me for asking this dumb question,
> but what are you supposed to look at. Are you suppose to look at the
> rest of the screen and compare the rest of the screen to the blue bars
> and get your results?. I cannot make a comparison whatsoever any
> pointers etc. Also, after that do you have to go to your color balance
> and ajust the blue color, or red color etc. For example if red is over
> 15% to reduce it do you do it in color balance and adust the red color
> thanks


Do not forget to adjust the sharpness too using AVIA....

Typically you want about 60% sharpness... Never 100% !!!

Using the blue/red etc filters......

The goal is to adjust so that (usually) one or more of the color

disappear while using the color eye filters....

Hope this works out well to improved HD color results!!
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

When doing the "color decoder check" you compare the scale of each color
with the intensity of the background
(ie. If using the red filter, the background intensity that you see will
result exclusively from the red CRT and you compare the brightness with the
red scale).
If there is too much red (often the case), you decrease your saturation
untill you reach 5-10% red.
You don't aim for 0% because when you desaturate, you also desaturate the
blue and green.
After that you readjust you tint using the color bars.

You can also attempt to correct your red push by going into the service menu
and adjust R, B and GCUTs

"david" <athaided@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> hi
> After adjusting the color and tint using the Avia disk. the next
> section is the color decoder section where one has to look thru the
> blue, green and red filter. Forgive me for asking this dumb question,
> but what are you supposed to look at. Are you suppose to look at the
> rest of the screen and compare the rest of the screen to the blue bars
> and get your results?. I cannot make a comparison whatsoever any
> pointers etc. Also, after that do you have to go to your color balance
> and ajust the blue color, or red color etc. For example if red is over
> 15% to reduce it do you do it in color balance and adust the red color
> thanks
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

"Sixtysixzero" <sixtysixzero21MAPS@SAPMNO12videotron.ca> wrote in message

> You can also attempt to correct your red push by going into the service
> and adjust R, B and GCUTs

Actually, these are used to adjust the white balance, or gray scale, not the
color decoder operation. If you compensate for red push at the level of CRT
bias and cutoff you will end up with a black and white pix that has too
little red. This has to be done at the color decoder, if possible. Some
people attempt to achieve this by attentuating the red difference channel at
the component input to the set.
