I had pre-ordered the AERIUS drone and I was super excited. I Received my first one and it had stabilization issues. From day one minute one the drone always drifts to one side and would just go at a fast rate in one direction without input that it should be accelerating in any direction. I could only fly it for about three seconds at a time because it would get too far away from me, it was drifting that fast. It could not "hover" at all. I used the "Recalibration of accelerometer" function on page 10 of the manual a few times on different "flat" surfaces that I even checked with a level to make sure the surface was level and flat but this has not fixed the drifting issue. I contacted AXIS and they asked me to send pictures of it and I sent them. After about a week and a half they issues me a shipping label to send it back and a few days after shipping it back I received another drone with the same issue. I tried all the steps to level it again to no avail. I am just going to take the $35 loss because I don't have the time to keep shipping the thing back and contacting support. I will invest in a real drone. Overall I am very disappointed.