[citation][nom]LuckyDucky7[/nom]@belardo You ever heard of the saying "possession is 9/10ths of the law?"There's a reason for that. ~ ~ We're tired of companies seeking to exert control over the hardware that they don't actually own anymore. We bought it, and it is up to US, not them, to decide how it is used. We can use their software package, or we can use what WE want. And it's not up to them to tell us we shouldn't be able to do that.Speaking of which... I'm certain that there will be a jailbreak for that too: a hacked update that removes that patch.[/citation]
I understand where you are coming.... when SONY killed of LINUX support for the PS3 - was not impressive. Sure some were using them as cheap mini-computers, but that was somewhat advertising and not many people are ACTUALLY doing it.
I agree, what you BUY should be yours... but that is not always the case, no? My Samsung Android cell phone costs people $1 nowadays... but to buy an unlocked version is about about $500. I had a choice (somewhat) - $500 for more flexibility (such as uninstalling carrier crap) or save $500. I simply hide the carrier junk and be on my way.
My point is this... There are other tablets that costs $250~300 with a bit more features that you can root to your hearts content. Amazon, B&N makes tablets, sold at a loss - to make profit from their online stores. The apps are more vetted (censored) and they give out some goodies for buying their stuff. They are not out to cater to those who want to buy a cheap tablet to convert into something else.
Again, I think YOU should be able to do whatever you want with your Kindle or NOOK (aside from piracy) - take it apart, add lights to it, interfaces, etc... but when you bought the device which has AUTO-UPDATES built in (like many things in todays world) and has an EULA, then you are at their mercy. In the MS OS (XP and beyond) the EULA states that Microsoft has the rights to GO INTO YOUR COMPUTER (from the internet) and modify, delete anything they want with you knowing about it or not. If you are using Windows, you have already agreed to this.
I just checked on Newegg, there are 22 7" tablets that sell for $100~275, most with cameras - all with Android except for a single $250 Playbook. These don't have the limitations of a Kindle, but many are cheap $150 junk... yes, for $130, you can get a Gingerbread tablet with a camera. But most of them don't have the quality of a Kindle.
So yes, you have a choice... Amazon didn't put a gun to your head to buy their tablet. More than 99% of the people who buy Kindles are not going to hack it. I don't know why they bother - perhaps its a security issue.
Sell what you have, buy something that suits your needs.