B-Square PDA



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

Hello All

I have just acquired a B-Square PDA and know nothing about it. I have
searched google and located the bsquare website but there is not much in
the way of information.

What I am looking for are links to websites that will tell me more like
what the form factor is... download any updates... etc... basically
anything to do with the device.


Simon Bamber <sbamber69@hotmail.com> Sat, 15 Jan 2005 19:22:41 +0100

=== Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

Simon Bamber <sbamber69@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Hello All
>I have just acquired a B-Square PDA and know nothing about it. I have
>searched google and located the bsquare website but there is not much in
>the way of information.
>What I am looking for are links to websites that will tell me more like
>what the form factor is... download any updates... etc... basically
>anything to do with the device.

As far as I know, bSquare never sold devices. It sounds like you have
a unit they made for testing/development, or one of their reference
designs, never intended for consumers. Where did you get it?
Ed Hansberry (Please do *NOT* email me. Post here for the benefit of all)
What is on my Pocket PC? http://www.ehansberry.com/
Microsoft MVP - Mobile Devices www.pocketpc.com
What is an MVP? - http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

Reply to message from "Ed Hansberry, MS-MVP/Mobile Devices", 16 Jan 2005
03:58:33 (Sun, 16 Jan 2005 03:58:33) about "Re: B-Square PDA":

I purchased the unit on ebay a while back. I believe it was intended for a
vodafone mobile phone card but I have an O2 card in it.

The device seems to running Windows CE.Net and has according to device a
Intel XScale 400mhz processor and 128mb memory and something called flash
set at 64mb. I have a 256 sd card in for my files.

I am slowly getting to know the device but my Pocket PC and Handheld PC Pro
software won't run on it so was wondering what form factor this is so I can
write some software for it or download some if available to do what I need.

I still prefer my XDA-II for most things but the extra screen size

Simon Bamber <sbamber69@hotmail.com> Sun, 16 Jan 2005 10:19:16 +0100

=== Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Hansberry, MS-MVP/Mobile Devices" <spamfree-silvernino@hotmail.
spambegone.coSun, 16 Jan 2005 03:58:33 Sent: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 03:58:33
Subject: Re: B-Square PDA

Simon Bamber <sbamber69@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All

> I have just acquired a B-Square PDA and know nothing about it. I have
> searched google and located the bsquare website but there is not much in
> the way of information.

> What I am looking for are links to websites that will tell me more like
> what the form factor is... download any updates... etc... basically
> anything to do with the device.

As far as I know, bSquare never sold devices. It sounds like you have a
unit they made for testing/development, or one of their reference designs,
never intended for consumers. Where did you get it?
Ed Hansberry (Please do *NOT* email me. Post here for the benefit of all)
What is on my Pocket PC? http://www.ehansberry.com/ Microsoft MVP - Mobile
Devices www.pocketpc.com What is an MVP? - http://mvp.support.microsoft.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

Or perhaps this is one of those devices made to order for Vodafone in
Europe? Very short lived, since BSquare have since announced they're no
longer manufacturing the Power PDA.

http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.asp?contentid=1945 for the announcement in
December 2003

http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.asp?contentid=3091 for the retirement in
July 2004

Is this the device you have?
Mauricio Freitas, Microsoft MVP Mobile Devices
Bluetooth guides: http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.asp?contentid=449
Geekzone Software Store: http://www.geekzone.co.nz/store

"Ed Hansberry, MS-MVP/Mobile Devices"
<spamfree-silvernino@hotmail.spambegone.com> wrote in message
> Simon Bamber <sbamber69@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>Hello All
>>I have just acquired a B-Square PDA and know nothing about it. I have
>>searched google and located the bsquare website but there is not much in
>>the way of information.
>>What I am looking for are links to websites that will tell me more like
>>what the form factor is... download any updates... etc... basically
>>anything to do with the device.
> As far as I know, bSquare never sold devices. It sounds like you have
> a unit they made for testing/development, or one of their reference
> designs, never intended for consumers. Where did you get it?
> --
> __________________________________________________________________________________
> Ed Hansberry (Please do *NOT* email me. Post here for the benefit of all)
> What is on my Pocket PC? http://www.ehansberry.com/
> Microsoft MVP - Mobile Devices www.pocketpc.com
> What is an MVP? - http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

Reply to message from "Mauricio Freitas [MVP]" (Sun, 16 Jan 2005 05:48:03)
about "Re: B-Square PDA":

Thanks for the links...

Looks like I am on my own then with this device. Shame because apart from
being heavy to hold and type, I like it. Bigger screen and synchronises
perfectly with XP as well as looking like XP.

Looks like it will eventually join my Samsung IZZI Pro 310 in the basement
when something better comes along.

Simon Bamber <sbamber69@hotmail.com> Sun, 16 Jan 2005 10:34:24 +0100

=== Posted with Qusnetsoft NewsReader

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mauricio Freitas [MVP]" <dr.emailposter@nowhere.invalid> Sent: Sun,
16 Jan 2005 05:48:03 Subject: Re: B-Square PDA

Or perhaps this is one of those devices made to order for Vodafone in
Europe? Very short lived, since BSquare have since announced they're no
longer manufacturing the Power PDA.

http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.asp?contentid=1945 for the announcement
in December 2003

http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.asp?contentid=3091 for the retirement in
July 2004

Is this the device you have?
Mauricio Freitas, Microsoft MVP Mobile Devices http://www.geekzone.co.nz
http://www.geekmac.com Bluetooth guides: http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.
asp?contentid=449 Geekzone Software Store: http://www.geekzone.co.nz/store

"Ed Hansberry, MS-MVP/Mobile Devices" <spamfree-silvernino@hotmail.
spambegone.com> wrote in message news:
> Simon Bamber <sbamber69@hotmail.com> wrote:

>> Hello All

>> I have just acquired a B-Square PDA and know nothing about it. I have
>> searched google and located the bsquare website but there is not much
>> in the way of information.

>> What I am looking for are links to websites that will tell me more like
>> what the form factor is... download any updates... etc... basically
>> anything to do with the device.

> As far as I know, bSquare never sold devices. It sounds like you have a
> unit they made for testing/development, or one of their reference
> designs, never intended for consumers. Where did you get it?
> --
> ________________________________________________________________________
> __________
> Ed Hansberry (Please do *NOT* email me. Post here for the benefit of
> all) What is on my Pocket PC? http://www.ehansberry.com/ Microsoft MVP -
> Mobile Devices www.pocketpc.com What is an MVP? - http://mvp.support.
> microsoft.com/
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (More info?)

Simon Bamber <sbamber69@hotmail.com> wrote:

>I am slowly getting to know the device but my Pocket PC and Handheld PC Pro
>software won't run on it so was wondering what form factor this is so I can
>write some software for it or download some if available to do what I need.

If it is pure CE 4.x, then no, HPC and PPC software probably won't
work. The HPC an PPC are built on CE, but they include their own UI
and APIs - *especially* the Pocket PC, and apps written for it look
for those things. CE lacks it by itself.
Ed Hansberry (Please do *NOT* email me. Post here for the benefit of all)
What is on my Pocket PC? http://www.ehansberry.com/
Microsoft MVP - Mobile Devices www.pocketpc.com
What is an MVP? - http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/