Once again thank you very much for your reply. My apologies for not making it clear, but as I said before there no local network. However the data only needs be backed up to a pc in one location. (I'm sorry about my lack of knowledge but I'm trying to learn as I go). I'll explain the situation once more in detail. So the currently my employer (a small business), stores their data mainly images word documents etc. in online cloud services onedrive, googledrive and dropbox. This is because the local office is really small and many of the employees work interstate, so they use the cloud services as a central point do collaborative work. Currently my employer wants to back up the data in these drives to a local drive in our small office so that there is an local back up of the data. My employer also wants to automate this backup process so that it automatically be updated at dawn when users are more than likely not to make any updates.
This is the current situation. I hope this helps. Thank you very much !