bad picture on vhs tape after transferring from tivo



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When I transfer from Tivo hard drive to a VHS tape, the picture is wavy.
Picture is fine on any other VHS tapes so it has something to do with Tivo
and it just recently started doing it. If anyone can shed any light on my
problem I would appreciate it.

Thanks, Guy Martin Orlando, Fl
Archived from groups: (More info?)

> When I transfer from Tivo hard drive to a VHS tape, the picture is wavy.
> Picture is fine on any other VHS tapes so it has something to do with Tivo
> and it just recently started doing it. If anyone can shed any light on my
> problem I would appreciate it.

Do you see the 'wavy' picture when recording? If so then loose or bad cable
connections from the Tivo to the VCR are almost always the cause. Either
that or some other signal being fed to the VCR that's also on the same
channel as the Tivo (if you're using RF, that is).

If you only see the bad picture during playback (not while watching it
record) then either your tapes are bad or the VCR itself has trouble.