Battery charges, but laptop won't turn on


Oct 3, 2017
I... have a Packard Bell laptop. It's... not the best. Used it for 3 years, I had to have it repaired 7 times, 6 of which was with the same problem: the power jack receiving socket had bad wiring.
On the last occasion I didn't take it to the repairs, since they gave it back again and again, each time a bit more damaged from being taken apart (few keystrokes not registered, etc).
Had tried several times to solder it (the jack receiver) back together (was hard as hack, but finally could manage.
Now it shows with the LED indicator that the battery's charging or charged (orange/blue light), but the laptop won't turn on, no matter what I try.

I have tried to drain it off of power, replaced the RAM, tried connecting outer mouse & keyboard, but not even the fan would start. Even worse without the battery and only cable, there's not even LED indication for that.
What should I try?

Packard Bell / Easynote TV44-HC-847
OS: Windows 8.1

Ps. I tried to gain access to my hard drive files by a cable and another computer, but it said It was asleep and should be awakened by it's original laptop (hence the reason I am trying to revive it)


Oct 3, 2017

What I did was - disconnect the jack from the motherboard, Then solder it. And yes, I did the grounding :/