Question Battery light flashing

Aug 16, 2018
I have an Asus Notebook that is about 5 years old. Mostly no real problems, but for about 2 days now, after I had unplugged it and watched video, then re-plugged when advised the battery was getting low, the tiny battery light on the front left of the machine is now flashing orange. Usually it's green, like the light indicator next to it. I have checked all the charger and electricity source connections and all are snug. It also says that the battery is charged to 95% and that it is not charging due to being plugged in. This light has flashed orange on me before, but never for this long. Any idea why? Could the battery be dying?
I tried looking in the e-manual that got downloaded onto my machine when I first bought it, but could find nothing there. I will follow your online suggestion. Thanks.