hi i am maqbool . pls help me my acer aspire 5741g battery not charging 100% it says plugged in charging but not 100% till 91% only i update my bios from acer site v1.02 from the bios section. notebook, aspire , 5741g , bios section , v1.02 i updated it . it is still not charging . in the read me its written this DOS: Run "BIOS.BAT" to flash BIOS in pure DOS environment.
Windows: Run "Insyde_Winflash.exe" to flash BIOS in Windows x86/x64 OS.
i did the sec thing which is written in windows i ran the insyde_winflash.exe. now how to run bios.bat to flash bios in pure dos environment pls show me. bcoz i recieved 2 files one dos and one windows. in the dos file when i want to run bios.bat it says cannot recognize sprom something even i said run as administrator also. it says cannot recognise sprom. so pls tell me how to run the dos bios.bat to flash in pure dos environment some one show me any one who reads my mail and wants to help me out pls first add me on yahoo messenger maqboolmozawala@yahoo.com so that we can have voice chat
my problem will be solved fast thanks.
pls reply me soon thanks friends
Windows: Run "Insyde_Winflash.exe" to flash BIOS in Windows x86/x64 OS.
i did the sec thing which is written in windows i ran the insyde_winflash.exe. now how to run bios.bat to flash bios in pure dos environment pls show me. bcoz i recieved 2 files one dos and one windows. in the dos file when i want to run bios.bat it says cannot recognize sprom something even i said run as administrator also. it says cannot recognise sprom. so pls tell me how to run the dos bios.bat to flash in pure dos environment some one show me any one who reads my mail and wants to help me out pls first add me on yahoo messenger maqboolmozawala@yahoo.com so that we can have voice chat
my problem will be solved fast thanks.
pls reply me soon thanks friends