N nachiketmahajan41 Oct 17, 2018 1 0 10 Oct 17, 2018 #1 Shutting down when unplugged from the charger Asus vivobook r542uq.
Solution smorizio Oct 17, 2018 with any laptop if it a few years old the main battery may have gone bad. see if a shop has a test battery that they can test you asus with.
with any laptop if it a few years old the main battery may have gone bad. see if a shop has a test battery that they can test you asus with.
C cpucpu123 Prominent Jan 11, 2018 40 0 610 Oct 17, 2018 #2 Shut down as in the normal shut down process? Or screen just go blank and dies immediately when unplugged? Upvote 0 Downvote
Shut down as in the normal shut down process? Or screen just go blank and dies immediately when unplugged?
smorizio Splendid Jan 22, 2010 1,154 0 21,410 Oct 17, 2018 Solution #3 with any laptop if it a few years old the main battery may have gone bad. see if a shop has a test battery that they can test you asus with. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
with any laptop if it a few years old the main battery may have gone bad. see if a shop has a test battery that they can test you asus with.