Beats Wireless - Only one side works on Bluetooth, Both sides work on a wired connection

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Nov 29, 2012
Hi Forum,

I recently got a pair of Beats wireless (2013 model) handed to me to fix, but I can't figure out the problem.

On bluetooth only the right side (controller side) works the other is dead.., but when i plug them in using the 3mm jack both side work perfectly.

I'm guess is they are not under warranty and can't be returned. I also tried the reset method on the beats support site, but the headphones just don't want to do it.

Thanks for any and all help.
That's true.

Have a look through the audio settings for the Bluetooth device, there might be something there needs changing (ie; mono audio, bitrate) and perhaps try your luck look for support from other wireless brands of headphones - Being Bluetooth, the technology is near enough generic so guessing the patents wouldn't be majorly different.
Hi guys,
i have had this problem with my beats solo wireless on and off for sometime without finding any solution online like yourselves i was pissed, but i found a solution that worked for me. I realized that my connection on the headphones was a bit dirty and corroded from sweat, dirt etc, so i cleaned it with a cotton bud after i dipped in in some vodka as i had no pure alcohol cleaner around and boom! they are working sweet as. So try that. I hope that helps.
Yeah, I just wished they provided Premium support for the premium price paid.

Guys i got the solution..... this problem might occur but a simple solution is-
Go to system preferences and click the sound option.......... them select beats wireless and get the BALANCE button to the middle

I dont know for others but this might be helpful
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Hi I have the same issue with mine too.. did you find the solution... it works fine when we use with cable - and not when connected through bluetooth... pls share if you have any solution found..

Pls note that I am using it for my mobile phone


I just had this issue and I found a fix.

All I needed to do was factory reset my headset. For mine (Wireless Studio) Just hold down the power button for about 10 seconds, let go, and it will run through the sequence. (white battery lights flash, 1 red light flashes a few times, then it will turn back on) After that, my headphones worked flawlessly.

Hope this helps!
I had the same issue. Managed to fix it just by touching the headphone jack cable slightly while playing via Bluetooth. Yes I know that may sound weird. But I guess it could be some connection issue. follow the steps:

1 - Connect via bluetooth;
2 - Hit play in any track;
3 - put the headphones on; (only one side should be playing)
4 - Get the jack cable. both sides should not be connected to anything;
5 - Slowly touch one end of the cable in the jack, suddenly you will notice the other side starts playing.

But if you continue playing around with the jack you will notice that stops. Anyway, that worked for me.

I had the same issue with a Grind Wireless, and tried all sorts of things until it was magically fixed.
This is the last thing I did before it worked:

1 - Connected via jack and started playing something on youtube.
2 - Took the jack out of the headphones while playing.
3 - Turned on the bluetooth, which for me is to press a button for two seconds or so.

This is the second time i have had this problem, I think it occurs when i plug in the jack, possibly because i didnt turn of bluetooth first. Anyway I fixed it both times by trying different combinations of plugging in and out the jack and connecting and disconnecting from bluetooth.
Hey guys, I previously had the same problem. My solo2 wireless is quite new, only when in Bluetooth mode, the left is much louder than the right, and everything is fine when cable plugged in. My solution is:
Right after using the cable mode, switch to the Bluetooth mode IMMEDIATELY.
Maybe it sounds weird, but this how I solved mine. It's worth trying anyway.
Good luck!
I have the exact same problem. I talked to apple at a store front and they said its an issue that has occurred to only a few users and if your not under warranty it will cost you 120 quid to fix
Me too with my skull candy Bluetooth. Headset. When I plugged them in with a wire they work perfectly fine but when I go to Bluetooth only the left side works this is very weird and I can't find any answers so frustrating if you find out a solution to your problem would you email me it [don't post your email address on any forum]
Thx Evan
The problem might be when the bluetooth headphones are connected is being set to mono with only one channel. The other channel being reserved for microphone like those used in call centres.

Check playback is stereo and disable anything relating to phone calls in properties and or recordings in the headset properties.

Search "windows bluetooth headphone is mono" for othere possible suggestions.

There really hasn't been a definit answer here i hope this phone/mono thing is it.
Hello all, i have had this problem for 2 sets of headphones wireless solo 2s.....i can assure you that there is no answer that i can give that is technical however this is how i fixed my problem not 5 minutes ago....and the reason i am posting on here is because it was this site that helped....

ok like others have suggested what i did was plug the headphones in unplug them turn bluetooth on turn it off plug them back in with the jack cable the opposite way around plug it the right way around unplug then plug in...i cant give a definitive answer but this messing around for 30 minutes suddenly worked.... im sorry i cant be clearer but dont give up and just persist with it.

one thing i did try after numerous failed attempts was use a different jack cable...i think i had a knock off version of beats at one point or another and used the aux cable that came with that....which might of been the culprit for the initial problem happening....i reverted back to this cable and again after a few attempts it suddenly started working in both ears again....

dont give up...good luck.
Hey Everyone.

So, the end all be all is this:

If you plug in your beats via the aux cable and the sound works, but only one side works via bluetooth, you are in luck.

Basically what happens, is upon plugging in, there are small mechanical triggers in the aux-in port on your headphones that will turn off the bluetooth functionality. If only one side works when connected via bluetooth, this means that one of the small mechanical triggers in the aux port of your headphones is stuck in a halfway position, thus telling your speakers to function via aux cable... basically a halfway point between the two functions..

so, how do you fix this? take your aux cable and attempt to knock the small mechanical trigger back to where it was before it was plugged in. You can do this essentially by pushing the cable jack in and out of the port at different angles. This will work for you.
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