Best Antivirus Software and Apps 2015 (Archive)

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If someone pulls your HDD or boots another OS, it's possible that a virus could get on to it without being running.

Another option is that you could copy a file containing a virus from a USB stick or external HDD. Usually the data rate from those is too high to effectively scan them on-the-fly.

Not significant loop-holes, but still minor ones.


Aug 23, 2009
Why ESET NOD32 isn't mentioned is beyond me. I've been using it for 10+ years and have never been infected by a virus. It has found things over the years and popped up on the screen to let me know. Uses very little resources and has never showed signs of slowing my computer down. Highly recommended!

Unfortunately Eset has been a nightmare on Mavericks. I have two machines with 10.9.5, one 2010 using Mavericks for about 1 year, other machine 2012 is fresh install Mavericks. On both machines Eset brings the machine to crawl. Sometimes the background scan peaks between 20-60% of CPU, sometimes stays below 20% for hours. I even have put the whole machine to exclusions and it still keeps scanning and scanning on both machines. This happens any time when scheduled scan is supposed to run, for example for definitions update. So I have disabled the automatic scan and I put the whole machine to exclusions.. .still it would show "spinning wheel" in the menu for hours before it stops. The definitions are updated fine but unless I terminate the daemon, it doesn't stop the scanner. I've tried remove it several times, clean up manually whole system.. Unfortunately - I paid for 2 machines for 2 years license for Eset and now it's useless. There is nothing in my log in Console so I can't tell even what's happening.

I uninstalled Eset and system runs perfect with out.

This experience is in stark contrast to what I had for over 10 years on Windows machine, where Eset was Nr. 1 and so silent and low on CPU that I was always wondering if it is there. It also worked well on Snow Leopard 10.6.8.

But no luck on Mavericks. Maybe Yosemite is better but I am not going to update to 10.10 yet.

Looking for replacement for Eset - unfortunately.



Jun 8, 2014
What do you guys think about this?

Its supposed to combine bit defender and avast together some how. I've been using it for a few weeks, seems ok, doesnt bother me ever.
Dunno if its actually doing anything though either....


Apr 23, 2015
I've used multiple Anti-Viruses and so far those were Norton, AVG, Panda, Kaspersky, and Panda Security. Until recently I've been using BitDefender too, just as this article suggests. However I've switched to SecureAPlus late last year since I've found out that they have multiple commercial AVs running at the same time, which include Norton, AVG, BitDefender, as well as others.

I was a bit skeptical at first but it didn't hurt to try since it was free. I still have it with me and it works really well. The interface needs some polish but other than that I'm quite happy with it.

Thanks for your recommendation! Decided to try something different from the usual one. It's working well for me! Really like how they leverage the power of more than 10 AV in the cloud which boosts higher detection rates while not slowing down my computer. In addition, the Application Whitelisting only allows application that I trust to be running in my computer. At least I know and have control as to what is happening in my computer. Indeed, no harm trying it since it's free ;)


Aug 27, 2008
Why ESET NOD32 isn't mentioned is beyond me. I've been using it for 10+ years and have never been infected by a virus. It has found things over the years and popped up on the screen to let me know. Uses very little resources and has never showed signs of slowing my computer down. Highly recommended!

I"m not sure what smartphone raybo333 was using 10+ years ago.
I'm guessing he'S confused mobile and PC antivirus programs.


May 6, 2015
The above ratings are quite realistic but kaspersky must be given highest rating as per security is concerned,but it uses RAM memory high and runs in background processes.
The way to move it from your SSD to a RAMdisk, or change the maximum size of files it stores there?

Oh, and even 3GiB/day is no issue. Modern SSDs won't run out of write cycles for decades, even when run at 20GiB/day.

Much ado about nothing.


May 12, 2015
i've scheduled a classical weekly analysis of my NTFS drive used for my Windows 8.1 VM....
1.5 Tbytes of data...

Avast have acknowledged the issue ( check the forum).
even a tiny little file of 4kbyte is copied in the /tmp folder before scanning .....

I've stopped this after having found almost 200 Gbyte of data writed for nothing to the SSD...
4K isn't an issue. Your computer probably writes a thousand times that every time it boots up, or even resumes from sleep.

There's also this:
Also note that the files in the file system must not be (and usually aren't) in fact written to the HDD,
the kernel uses some caching mechanisms designed to handle exactly such tempfile scenarios.

The 200GB wasn't written for 'nothing'. It was written (if it ever was) because it's part of the security suite. Are you going to complain about wasted clock cycles or internet bandwidth next?

Your SSD is likely rated for around a PETABYTE of writes. Worrying about a few hundred GB over months is pointless; it's unlikely you'll meet even a fifth of the limits before the laptop ends up in a skip.


May 12, 2015
No... i dont agree....
It's a BUG as admitted by Avast ( i think you're working for them).

check the weblink ans stop with this kind of bullshit.
I don't work for Avast, and I don't appreciate the libel.

I've read through the whole thread. Multiple times.

I do not see anywhere that Avast reps used the term 'bug'. You were the only one who used it, and then only once. They said it was 'intended behaviour' which is the polar opposite of a bug.

That said, the bit about 200GB in 30 minutes is very worrying. You didn't say that earlier; you said 3GB a day. Several orders of magnitude difference there. Are you 100% certain that that's all Avast, and it's definitely writes, not reads?


May 12, 2015
Avast plan to correct the behaviour for the little files ( even 4kbyte).
They writed this in the post.

i've done the analysis with dtrace and iosnoop and yes, it's only avast.

The web filtre analysis engine is even worst ( check at the begin of the post).

it's download locally in /tmp all the parts recettes by the browser and do a local analysis .

i was surprised to see a lot of Gigs written every hours when watching netflix...

Avast have again admit the behaviour and "asked" me to do manuel configuration and to create a ramdisk.

I've disabled the web engine at this moment.

i've found later the same issue with the file scanning engine...

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