Well, if you didn't subscribe to porn emails, download illegals apps, read solicited emails, and stayed off porn sites.. chances are you wouldn't even need an antivirus..
I got my first virus 2 days ago. I was in Indianapolis and my roommate decided he was going to use Limewire to download some porn.. but right before he did that he logged into a share on my computer, downloaded something that was a virus, which made my computer fire up limewire and start downloading the virus. Now, it didn't effect anything, but it kept popping up limewire and created multiple download instances.. which effectivly was bogged down my internet connection and beating the crap out of limewire.. its all over limewire.
Other than that, I can say that I've never had a virus in over 8 years.
Before that I had one when my brother used my PC, when I lived at home, to look up some porn.
I got my first virus 2 days ago. I was in Indianapolis and my roommate decided he was going to use Limewire to download some porn.. but right before he did that he logged into a share on my computer, downloaded something that was a virus, which made my computer fire up limewire and start downloading the virus. Now, it didn't effect anything, but it kept popping up limewire and created multiple download instances.. which effectivly was bogged down my internet connection and beating the crap out of limewire.. its all over limewire.
Other than that, I can say that I've never had a virus in over 8 years.
Before that I had one when my brother used my PC, when I lived at home, to look up some porn.