Best Buy Threatens Priest's ''God Squad'' Car

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Apparently noone is familiar with trademark law here. so for all the people who are up in arms about it, they have to send him the letter. If you let one person infringe on a trademark then the next person who wants to can let your letting the first guy use it without punishment as a reason to the court to let them use it and you lose the trademark. all they have to do is license the TM to the priest for free and they have shown that they tried to protect their trademark and its safe from further harm. its the legal system you should blame, not BB.
This is a well deserved slap to the christian-dom for too long they have run around thinking they are untouchable.

+1 for Best Buy...I might actually go buy something there.
hey everyone look another reason to hate best buy and their thief squad. Because they certainly are not geeks, geeks are smart and the dumbass kids at best buy only know how to charge you too much money for doing nothing to your computer equipment. God wants you to boycott the their thief squad and throw rotten vegatables at them when you see em in your neighborhoods.
xythrax4420, I've done IT work for people who are too cheap to go to best buy. talk about thieves, the general public won't even pay for quality work. I think I need to raise my rates soon.

Also you guys do have some valid points about the copywright but it is a touchy subject to go after the Church especially if most of their customers are from there. Also I'm teetering on that the logo mearely looks similar. It doesn't have orange in it. It's all black and white. It isn't very common to see this Christian organization being outright with advertising too.

And the guy above saying godfags well.. this religion believes that all religions share the same God so they aren't all that self ritcheous. But on the other hand, that fact can be twisted by some worm as well.
They are selling something. If you think a church is not a business, you are fooling yourself.

America is a nation of laws, not men. BB can and should pursue this trademark infringement, for the exact reason that their PR manager gave: "It's bad precedent to let some groups violate our trademark while pursuing others." If they allowed this God Squad vehicle to go unchallenged, what would happen then if the KKK tried to make a Sheet Squad vehicle?

You can dislike my comment into oblivion, but that does not change the fact that, in the US, NO ONE is above the law, not even Catholic priests. Given their recent history, perhaps I should say _especially_ Catholic priests.
@Venom first thing first. You used wiki.. That throws any you said that might be true out the window till you get real resourses. WIKI does not count sorry.

O and as far as hitler.. Nobody really knows what his mother was some say she was a jew.
lol this is even funnier in light of the fact that here, in australia, there's a christian biker (yeah, like hells angels biker) group called 'God Squad' LOL like to see Best Buy try that shit here. . . . .Even the non-jesus bikers would be smashing shit up lol. . . .
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