Best Buy Threatens Priest's ''God Squad'' Car

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Alas, it's our laws that dictate they behave that way. They are subject to losing their trademark if it's proven they've known of an infringement and not taking steps to curtail it.
im trying to think of a comment to describe how STUPID best buy is for doing this.. but i cant think of anything that captures the emotion.. guess this comment will have to do..
It does not seem logical for them to pursue this. There is nothing to be gained.
I guess god didnt give the execs at best buy big enough penises, so they must validate themselves some how. However, until this point I was unaware a penis could be THAT small.
I suppose its true you learn something new every day.
[citation][nom]mlopinto2k1[/nom]Give it a break, tough guy. The only real world knowledge you use in your arguments is the crap you regurgitate. GET OUT THERE and learn something instead of "extracting" wiki lines. To sit here and bash someone's faith is absolutely uncalled for. This COUNTRY was founded on faith. But of course, because you were raised in it and know better... it's all just science fiction now. You wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for "faith". As far as I'm concerned, your trying to take your opinion and force it down people's throats. RELIGION does not need forcing. They preach, people listen, they agree and they follow. FREE OF WILL. Not by some communist who says what is right and wrong. Commie.[/citation]


Our country was not founded on faith.
I consider preaching to children 'forcing'.
V8Venom listed valid points, which is factual history. I'm loathe to quote the cliché, but "those who ignore history..." . Also works for those who are ignorant of it / deny it, in your case.

and lastly, GJ on name-calling using the term 'communist'. Pretty much sums up your learning and bias in a word.
they dont own the trademark for this

as far as i know they cant trademark the font (now if they could that would be just silly)
the the way they have done it in a circle cant be trademarked either
Hmm...what the church was a few hundred years ago are now trademarks and patents (and budgets 😉 ).

I wonder where we would stand now if we weren't slowed down in our creativity and productivity by these things.
Funny how its always the Catholic church that gets blamed for the crusades, when it was backed, paid for and promoted by every political and religous leader in Europe, though thats fine apparently.

Those wikipedia cut/pastes provide more questiosn than answers. At the time of the Crusades Europe was a massively militarised society after two hundred years of Viking invasion. Every town of any size had to have a military force on standby. With the Vikings converted to christianity, that threat was gone and Europe was filled with unemployed soldiers who were turning to banditry and anyone who could hire them to fight in local feuds and small wars.

The idea of getting all these guys to head off somewhere far away and be someone elses problem was universally welcomed and religous fervour was a covenient means to do it, a lot of soldiers had a lot to seek forgiveness over anyway...

Besides its also forgotten that Muslims nearly took over Europe on a couple of occasions, but hey they werent catholic so thats ok.
[citation][nom]mlopinto2k1[/nom]RELIGION does not need forcing. They preach, people listen, they agree and they follow. FREE OF WILL.[/citation]

The Catholic Church was basically going around saying "convert or die" from when it became official religion of the Roman Empire to around the 17th century. Then its political power was taken away and now they're nothing more than a parasite feeding on the fearful and the gullible... and raping children.
Seems to me that people on here are making too much fuss about nothing. Yes there is a "parody" law, however the priests arent poking fun at best buy now are they? The symbol is exactly the same and since the parody law doesnt quite fit I could see why they pursued this, even if the regret having to do so. If best buy really was trying to screw the priests, it wouldnt be offering a free redesign of the logo!

As for the quality/price of geek squad.. well yeah what did you expect? Its a bunch of college kids working for low wages typically. Look at what you'll pay for a plumber if your pipe gets clogged. If you don't know how to fix it you are going to pay out the... its typical by why start whining now?

I'll continue to support my local BB. A brick and mortar will NEVER be substituted by online companies. Some things you want to actually see before you buy. I've had zero problems with them so far.
Eh, sounds like a load of BS to me. I don't see how it infringes on any trademark they supposedly have. If anything, it would be considered parody, and Best Buy should be happy with the free publicity. Instead, they earned unnecessary bad press.

I think companies are full of shit when they send out cease and desist letters. They'll claim a violation that in reality isn't valid just to scare the person into complying even though if it ever went before a judge, he'd throw it out. Companies use their influence and army of lawyers to circumvent the law because the average person isn't going to spend money on a lawyer to defend something so minor.
I thought Best Buy was getting sued buy the makers of the old tv show Mob Squad? If that is true how can they sue for somthing they are guilty of...I will never go the Best Buy Again!
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