Best Buy Threatens Priest's ''God Squad'' Car

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[citation][nom]wotan31[/nom]WRONG. Nice try there armchair attorney. Trademark law only pertains within your industry!! I could start a business today and call it Best Buy or Geek Squad and it would be perfectly legal... so long as my business doesn't sell consumer electronics or do computer repair. There is a long precedent for this. For a real world example, look at Apple Computers. They coexisted peacefully with Apple Corps, the music publishing company of the Beatles. It wasn't until Apple Computers entered the music business, with their iPod and iTunes and whatnot, that they got sued by Apple Corps. Apple Computers was perfectly legal - until they entered the industry of Apple Corps.Since the Catholic Church clearly is not in the same industry as Best Buy, this cease and desist order is meaningless. Those priests should tell Best Buy to 'go to hell' with their cease and desist order, because it wouldn't last a day in court.[/citation]

Absolutely wrong wanna-be legal advisor. Take my information out of context may help your cause, but any good lawyer will see that you took what I said out of context.

As I said in my original post, the VW, the exact same Logo, etc. etc. would be MORE than enough to force these unimaginative priests to change ... it's not the Wording that's the problem, it's the entire scope of what they have done. Also toss in the fact the Priest admitted to their feable attempts of duplication, any Judge would force the Priests to change.

All these Priests had to do was go get permission, Best Buy are willing to work with them. But as with most people of extreme "faith" they feel they are higher than everyone else and the laws don't pertain to them.
[citation][nom]jerreece[/nom]Most of the "deaths" of millions you associate with Catholicism were actually committed by municipalities (Monarchies in most cases) and by rogue bands of knights and soldiers.[/citation]

Inciting religious hatred and religious wars is enough to find them responsible in a court of law. Doesn't really matter if they had their own armies or not.
[citation][nom]SpeedyVV[/nom]why not start with something more recent. like ignoring and hiding the knowledge of the fact that some in the church have been raping children.[/citation]

That, or how about using their influence to oppose condom use in Africa and thus contributing to the rampant spread of AIDS and deaths of even more millions? Not sure that's exactly illegal but if it's not it should be.
[citation][nom]HalJordan[/nom] fact screw being, banned...I'm done...done with Tom's...done with the internet...what the Hell do I need to know any of this crap for (some idiot taking another idiot to court, speed of light, dark matter, marsupials, best place to get tacos in Saudia Arabia, who cares)...good bye...I'm off to see if NASA needs a cubicle jockey to test cubicles on Mars...Europa, Charon...[/citation]NASA's budget for Mars/Europa/Charon missions currently looks STARTLINGLY SIMILAR to *MY* budget for Mars/Europa/Charon missions. So two things immediately come to mind:

1) I should sue NASA for something something dark side something something complete infringement.
2) Good luck. However, keep in mind that they no longer accept applications in the form of a musical.
[citation][nom]V8VENOM[/nom]Me thinks, this entire discussion would be drastically different if they were 5 Muslims and not 5 Christian priests even though it's exactly the same regardless.[/citation]It would only be drastically different if they used the name "Jihad Squad". But then again, Best Buy would probably be too afraid to sue the Jihad Squad.
[citation][nom]jerreece[/nom]You need to relearn your history from solid sources, and not "common misknowledge" my friend. Most of the "deaths" of millions you associate with Catholicism were actually committed by municipalities (Monarchies in most cases) and by rogue bands of knights and soldiers. Not by the Church itself.In fact, many of the bloodiest periods in human history (post Christ) were committed no by the Catholic Church, but sects that deviated from Catholic Teaching. What we today call "denominations".[/citation]

What a load of crap. Every religion is a denomination... Show me the one true religion. They all derived from each other and ancient traditions and beliefs. No two people believe the same. How can they, without empirical facts?

And yes, religions are responsible for the actions of their followers... Who else? Some invisible god?

Stop being so apologetic. Blind belief in all its forms has done more harm than good through the history of human consciousness.
[citation][nom]V8VENOM[/nom]We have laws to protect original ideas, regardless of who these people are (from Christians, to athestist, to the Muslims), it wasn't their idea, hence they violated US law.The use the exact same car, same color, same logo with the only difference being God vs Geek -- these priests seem to lack imagination, but I'm not exactly surprised given they follow the orders provided by a fictional book with a fictional entity.But I agree, the Geek squad leaves much to be desired in terms of technical knowledge and the cost BestBuy are charging for that knowledge.[/citation]

No they are not and religious text aren't copyright martial except for the New Age garbage and corrupted books. I hate this most retarded and most greedy society. The rich men of the Earth make war on the Earth. Name a war that a banker or corporation did not profit from such actions. Even Soviet Russia was run by no other than oligarchs both inside and else ware.
[citation][nom]jerreece[/nom]You need to relearn your history from solid sources, and not "common misknowledge" my friend. Most of the "deaths" of millions you associate with Catholicism were actually committed by municipalities (Monarchies in most cases) and by rogue bands of knights and soldiers. Not by the Church itself.In fact, many of the bloodiest periods in human history (post Christ) were committed no by the Catholic Church, but sects that deviated from Catholic Teaching. What we today call "denominations".[/citation]

I think you need to read yours ... sounds like the church has been warping the reality of the Crusades to down play just how "involved" the christian churches were.

Extract from Wiki - The Crusades were a series of religiously sanctioned military campaigns waged by much of Western Christian Europe, particularly the Franks of France and the Holy Roman Empire. The specific crusades to restore Christian control of the Holy Land were fought over a period of nearly 200 years, between 1095 and 1291. Other campaigns in Spain and Eastern Europe continued into the 15th century. The Crusades were fought mainly by Roman Catholic forces (taking place after the East-West Schism and mostly before the Protestant Reformation) against Muslims who had occupied the near east since the time of the Rashidun Caliphate, although campaigns were also waged against pagan Slavs, pagan Balts, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the various popes.[1][page needed] Orthodox Christians also took part in fighting against Islamic forces in some Crusades. Crusaders took vows and were granted penance for past sins, often called an indulgence.

Or say like Hitler being a Christian and both his Mother and Father were Catholic -- oops!

Religions have continued to cause more harm than good. Why people feel the need to have a religion is beyond me -- but just look at the reaction it brings out in people. Something purely out of "Faith" will cause one person to go kill another (or many) ... and that is a good thing how?? "Faith" is by far the most deadliest weapon to the existing of human life.

It's time the human race looked at the facts presented to them rather than keep making stuff up. Live the real world, not the fantasy.
[citation][nom]jimmysmitty[/nom]Thats too kind. Over priced is correct. They charged a customer of mine $350 to replace laptop hinges. The same hinges that cost $20 bucks and take 20 minutes to put in.Add to that one of my customers who had them replace a laptops power jack. All I can say is that they don't know how to solder. They are nothing but a bunch of kids who 'think' they know about electronics.Its sad that Best Buy would think these guys could do any harm to the Crap Squad.[/citation]

Granted the hinges are $20, I've seen some laptops where the hinges aren't the problem, its the crappy HP bezel and back panel that the hinges attach to where the screw holes are stripped or cracked.

Though yeah, even for that kind of work that's pricey. Other places charge a lot less and are more knowledgeable.
[citation][nom]thorimmortal[/nom]Is it because the logo is on a VW and not a christler?[/citation]LOL! Nice play. Not sure if everyone caught that! I did!
[citation][nom]V8VENOM[/nom]I think you need to read yours ... sounds like the church has been warping the reality of the Crusades to down play just how "involved" the christian churches were.Extract from Wiki - The Crusades were a series of religiously sanctioned military campaigns waged by much of Western Christian Europe, particularly the Franks of France and the Holy Roman Empire. The specific crusades to restore Christian control of the Holy Land were fought over a period of nearly 200 years, between 1095 and 1291. Other campaigns in Spain and Eastern Europe continued into the 15th century. The Crusades were fought mainly by Roman Catholic forces (taking place after the East-West Schism and mostly before the Protestant Reformation) against Muslims who had occupied the near east since the time of the Rashidun Caliphate, although campaigns were also waged against pagan Slavs, pagan Balts, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the various popes.[1][page needed] Orthodox Christians also took part in fighting against Islamic forces in some Crusades. Crusaders took vows and were granted penance for past sins, often called an indulgence.Or say like Hitler being a Christian and both his Mother and Father were Catholic -- oops!Religions have continued to cause more harm than good. Why people feel the need to have a religion is beyond me -- but just look at the reaction it brings out in people. Something purely out of "Faith" will cause one person to go kill another (or many) ... and that is a good thing how?? "Faith" is by far the most deadliest weapon to the existing of human life.It's time the human race looked at the facts presented to them rather than keep making stuff up. Live the real world, not the fantasy.[/citation]Give it a break, tough guy. The only real world knowledge you use in your arguments is the crap you regurgitate. GET OUT THERE and learn something instead of "extracting" wiki lines. To sit here and bash someone's faith is absolutely uncalled for. This COUNTRY was founded on faith. But of course, because you were raised in it and know better... it's all just science fiction now. You wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for "faith". As far as I'm concerned, your trying to take your opinion and force it down people's throats. RELIGION does not need forcing. They preach, people listen, they agree and they follow. FREE OF WILL. Not by some communist who says what is right and wrong. Commie.
I wish faith would stay a private affair. This is just an annoying addition to door-knockers, billboards and missionaries. That's great that you think your faith is awesome, but so does every other religion and denomination. If your God is so awesome he can come tell me himself.
OMG, the amount of people on here bitching that dont understand what a Trademark is, is funny!
BestBuy is NOT saying they own anything with "squad" or "G" they are defending their company logo, thats all.
Now if they should have bothered with this case or not, I dont know, but they are calling a foul on the design of their logo, not the names or words used.

There are LAWS and common sense... as this is FAIR use. Other wise every Star Trek fan, Star Wars, Apple fans who do fan-art or parodies COULDN'T happen... they'd all be sued.

The GOD SQUAD is a single person doing an obvious parody. They are not a business.
Makes you just want to rush right out and buy something from Best Buy, doesn't it?
[citation][nom]blackjellognomes[/nom]BB seems to think that the negative press they'll get will be less costly. In a way, that's not too hard to understand. "But at the end of the day, it's bad precedent to let some groups violate our trademark while pursuing others." If they didn't make this "low blow", they might be giving the impression of religious bias. I'm sure many people would see it that way, and they'd get negative press for that, too. The upside of their cease-and-desist order is that they won't be called hypocrites if they run into a similar violation of their trademark in the future and don't push a cease-and-desist. BB is simply ensuring that they will be able to enforce their trademark rights in the future.[/citation]

Yeah, right. No one but the people in this guy's neighborhood would ever know this "God Squad" car even existed until Best Buy threatened him. Now it's worldwide news that BestBuy is threatening legal action against a priest for putting a sticker on his car that kinda-sorta looks like their logo.

I spend 10's of thousands a year on electronics. Best Buy will never again see a penny of my money.
I honestly do not see an issue with what Best Buy did. The logo is on a Black VW Beetle and it has a logo that looks just like the Geek Squad logo. A parody or spoof is something I would see run its course in under a week or month but not continue on and on.... in any case I do not really care about other opinions about this topic, the priest were wrong and they need to stop.

I need customers to go to those geek squad people so I can undo everything they tried to fix.. 😛
Geez Best Buy, maybe us Geeks should sue you. For giving us a bad name with those untrained monkeys you have working for you in the "Geek Squad." Whoops, now I have gone an insulted monkeys. ~wince~ Going after a pretty funny little vehicle because it just happens to kind of look like your logo is stupid.
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