The situation with Comcast and modems is ridiculous. We have 2 locations with an SB6121 and an SB6141. Both excellent modems. However, our Comcast internet has been very spotty lately. I called to complain and they told me that those modems are EOL and can't support our "Blast" speed of over 100Mbps. However the stated capabilities of those modems are well OVER 100Mbps.
When I look at the
http/ page, I see these modems listed in red, however when you click to look at the details, it says "NO" in the End of Life field.
SO which is it Comcast?! EOL or NOT EOL? And why should it matter if it's EOL if the modem is still certified as a Docsis 3 modem and is capable of speeds in excess of what is provided?
I'm getting 20Mbps to 50Mbps on average and they're telling me that it's because the modems can't handle the faster speeds??? Can someone please explain how that makes any sense?
<UPDATE> Anyone?