Best laptop in 55000rs

Rahul Rajput CR

Nov 7, 2014
Hlo guys i completed my school ..and now i am going to take admission in university.I want to do BCA for that i need a laptop.
I play games in pc,but now its outdated so i need laptop that would play all new games in med-high settings.Games like gta5,wwe2k15 and others.
My total budget is 55000rs Indian rupee.
In that budget i found these laptops
1.lenovo z51-70
And 2nd is.
Which laptop is better from them.
If u can suggest a better laptop from
them,then plss help me
Use these websites
Plss guys help...plsss
Thank you in advance

No need on that screen size, unless you sit 10cm away from it.
So why u said that z51-70 is not better than u suggested laptop.
R9 m375 is way better than gt940 and 920m.
U r confusing me

Man, that site is bullshit. Forget about it completly. Look on the list on netbookcheck

As for that Lenovo, just read that review

That review is not only about the GPU power. Its a bad laptop with a bad screen in general, regardless of teh GPU.

And no, the AMD is slightly behind. teh best are at the begining of the top.
Thank tell me which one is better
But its screen is not full hd
And one that u suggested which is best...
Oh, nice finds!

Honestly i would get this one:
And i would get it precisely because it's not full hd. 720p means you will be getting ALOT better performance while gaming on it's screen. You'll basically be able to hit med/high in any game. If you inted to hook it up to a tv or monitor, it's another story. But for gaming direcly on. it's the best.
Also, while 1080p looks good from a distance, i find it too high of a rezolution for that size. I have a 17" 1080p laptop and i find everything in windows is too small and i have trouble reading(i have to zoom websites)

If you reduce resolution it will look bad. LCD screens are not like old CRT ones. They should ALWAYS be used at their native resolution. Trust me on this one.

But if you have to choose between the Acer and Asus, get the Asus as it's a better, more reliable brand and have better build quality.

Regardless, my recommendation for the 720p HP stands.