Best or Highly Recommended 50" 1080p TV for console gaming?


Mar 18, 2014
So after talking to a few people in a bunch of stores about 4K, and since I'm not even gonna bother getting the PS4.5 or Xbox One Scorpio, I've decided I don't need a 4KTV anymore. I'm gonna buy a 45-50" 1080P TV.

Now I'm asking here because I'm concerned about how input lag can be involved and whether itll have game mode or not, and I'm not really an expert on TV stuff. So what would you guys recommend? I currently have my eyes on the "Samsung 50" 1080p LED Tizen Smart TV (UN50J6300AFXZC)" so far, but I still wanna hear you guys out.

Oh and just incase, I have all the HD consoles too.