Best Over ear Headphones under £50


Jul 25, 2014
Hey guys, so i am looking for some over ear headphones for under 50 pound, i don't want on ear as it hurts my ears. I am looking the best sound quality available and good sound isolation. I listen to rock/punk.

I have seen a few:


Good sound from them? although i said that i just wanted the best sound quality, they dont look as nice as the other sennheisers IMO lol
superlux hd668b. they look cheap but the sound quality is actually super nice. just as good as my audio-technica ath-m50s, although a different sound.

not really. they make awesome headphones but you cant just drop a blanket statement like that. there are others out there that are just as good.

those actually look pretty nice. a buddy of mine has some real high end Denon headphones and theyre awesome. see if you can find some reviews. the leather on the ears looks very comfy as well.