Best SoundCard for the money - upgradeable


Mar 30, 2004
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Just wondering if someone in this group could advice me on what is the
best almost Pro quality sound card i can buy for the money. The sound
card should also have the ability to add an external converter later on
(sound card should be able to pass the converter signal dirctly to the
software). It should also have a breakout box with 4 balanced inputs and
4 balanced outputs.

Thinking of getting an MOTU 2408 MKII (used). Is it good enough for the
job or do i need a better card to get almost pro-quality sound. I can
add an external converter later if i want pro quality sound.

So what is the best card for thr money, if its a old one then i can buy
a used card so that looks like a good alternative. Thnaks.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

On Sat, 31 Jul 2004 00:48:43 -0700, sam <> wrote:

>Just wondering if someone in this group could advice me on what is the
>best almost Pro quality sound card i can buy for the money. The sound
>card should also have the ability to add an external converter later on
>(sound card should be able to pass the converter signal dirctly to the
>software). It should also have a breakout box with 4 balanced inputs and
>4 balanced outputs.
>Thinking of getting an MOTU 2408 MKII (used). Is it good enough for the
>job or do i need a better card to get almost pro-quality sound. I can
>add an external converter later if i want pro quality sound.

That's a good card. Note that there are 101 things that will affect
the "pro" quality of your sound before anyone will notice the
difference made by changing D/A converters.

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