hello all; so i live in this apartment with a very cranky old couple downstairs. they get disturbed by the slightest noise, and i suppose i cant really blame them since the floor is made up of creaky old floorboards [lol traditional paris apartments suck!]. ive been using my laptop speakers for a while and they really carry the sound through walls and floors plus they are very tinny and screech-y at high volumes. so what im looking ofr now are speakers that are loud and sound good but do not really carry the sound through walls/floors. budget isnt much of an issue [as long as they meet my exact requirements]. can anyone recommend anything? some of my friends thought i should get the razer mako since they claim that it envelopes the room [and only the room] in sound but i find that rather unlikely since they have downfiring speakers which will probably take the sound right onto my sleeping neighbors.