Best Streaming Service - Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and More

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Netflix is NOT more expensive for those who have more than one TV. I happen to have 4 in my large family. For this I pay $20.00 a month for Netflix. On Hulu I would be paying $32.00 for the same level of service. Also, Amazon prime is sharable as well with my family so Hulu is the most expensive option not Netflix.
Now with new HDCP 2.2 requirements and HDMI 2.0 requirements, you can't watch HD or UHD streaming unless all hardware meets that standard with Amazon Prime. I also heard that Netflix is starting that also. The only service that appears to still offer HD is Hulu. Unless you make good money and can afford to purchase a New HDTV that meets requirements and if you want to stream via PC or MAC you have to buy a new PC or buy a new video card that meets that standard you are not able to stream at HD or UHD quality. Oh, and Apple doesn't have a mac that meets those standards yet. Not even the Mac Pro.
think of another "Cons" for most of the online streaming services: available only within USA!
lol so Hulu has "Subpar movie selection" and Netflix has "Excellent selection". You got that backward, unless you mean the number of titles. Netflix selection of movies however large it is, 80% of it are pure trash. On Hulu side you have superior quality movies and also the whole Criterion collection, with excellent titles, nothing comes near that on Netflix side.
Marshall Honorof, You missed one - VUDU allows you to purchase and rent .Keeping a large library of movies and TV seasons available for viewing. the downside to them is that they use ports that certain firewalls will block. Check them out, I would love to get your feedback.
Playstation Vue is available on Amazon Fire TV, as well as Playstation. Also, the prices are $29.99 for Access Slim (55+ channels), $34.99 for Core Slim (70+ channels), and $44.99 for Elite Slim (100+ channels). I live in Austin and it is available here, so I'm not sure why you are misquoting this stuff. If you actually wrote and published this article on May 4th, then you source of info is bad, because these have been the prices well before May 4th and included many more markets.
Hulu is nothing but crap all they do is send you to other sites so you're paying $8 to $10 a month for what to be sent to a website you could have went to anyway if you want to stream something you need to get on a good site like Showbox are YouTube rest of them are no good HBO is okay but they want so much money and they don't even play dirty movies
Netflix seems to have nothing I watch anymore. I'm tired of them. I want a service for older movies from the 30's, 40's, and 50's. Not sure anyone has those type.. I like Prime but they use so much freakin' data.
what I like about Amazon over Netflix is the infinite choices. You can just keep clicking, "what other customers watched" and you can get into some pretty neat obscure stuff not found anywhere else; it seems never ending. Netflix limits choices and rarely changes content. I would rather see these services on Roku instead of Amazon Fire because Roku still has streaming problems with 4K content they aren't yet willing to admit.
Wow, HUGE miss in the cons for Playstation Vue -- in most areas there is no FOX/NBC/ABC access. They claim that you can 'onDemand' shows from those channels anyway, but the list of onDemand shows is EXTREMELY minimal. You will not actually be able to watch network TV or record your favorite network TV shows, since odds are good they're not on the short list. Also, there's no CBS. Like, anywhere. Seriously.

Playstation Vue is a "non-network-TV cable replacement", meaning it will give you access to things like AMC, Comedy Central, TNT, TBS, USA, DIY, etc. But the "big 4"? Nope.

It's extremely disingenuous to call Playstation Vue a "best cable TV replacement" without at a minimum also mentioning that the "big 4" are missing from it for the majority of users.
You are wrong about sling TV. For $40 you get all the channels plus all the ESPN's Fox Sports NBC sports South East sports. Plus you get a three epicx movies stations. And you can if you want get HBO or any of the movie channels. You can watch sling on three different devices at one time. Sling TV has need to check it out I have it and I love it
I found a great channel- PRO CLASSIC TV - - Its on my Roku, but ive also seen it on HULU, and online ( Im in my late 40's, but enjoy classic tv shows, and this service has the better ones, even The Bill Cosby show from the 70', which few know about.
My favorite is My Favorite Martian- gotta love it.
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