ou can write pretty much any language code in that so I would say yes, if you know how to program. I hope you realize that creating a game is not like clicking a few Lego blocks together.
I know. I am really interested in learning how to program.
There are quite a few games that have super mod tools they give out free, that will pretty much enable you to create using their engine, the trick is to find one that will work on your laptop.
Not quite what I was looking for, but thanks for the suggestion.
MACs are not known for their gaming ability, you're better off getting a PC and using that.
Hopefully, I will be getting (by getting I mean making) a PC pretty soon. If your interested, here are the components that I will be using for my new computer:
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_FI33gwIVx5s/TF3Pud0CeSI/AAAAAAAAAXM/Yp-z6lcbvao/Screen Capture 1.png
Anyways, until then, here are some new question I have for you:
++ What programming language should I start off with, knowing that in the end I plan on creating video games (please don't let the fact that I am currently using a Mac change your decision in any way)
++ Do you know of any good, free guides that I can use to learn that language
++ Is Xcode the best tool for me to use with this programming language
Thanks for the help,