An interesting tid-bit, I once applied for a job at verizon, I made it through the first round of testing and in the second round they test your ability to deflect their complaint. You are supposed to appear to know what you are talking about, even if you don't, but most importantly calm down any angry customers without actually helping them. You aren't supposed to admit there was a problem with their account, save Verizon money, but at the same time, if they correctly spot how Verizon screwed up, then you can help them, but don't make it easy, put them on hold, bounce them around, make them wait while you help other customers. Try and get them to give up. All of the major companies follow these practices, and they don't tell you these things in black and white, most people working for them aren't able or aren't looking at the big picture, and don't really know what they are doing. The fact is they don't want employees who fully understand what is going on, just blind obedience by tired overworked people. Any trick to gain money they didn't earn honestly.