Bill Proposes Phones Must Take Noisy Pictures

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On my LG8100, I already can't turn off the sound. Of course one of the first hacks I did on my phone was to turn it off (its really annoying).
A much better way to state that would be librals in the house 🙂 I am not partisan when it comes to republican/democrat but I don't usually agree with liberals. Both parties seem to have a majority of them.
Just a lawmaker trying to justify his job. If there are no need for anymore laws to be made, why have lawmakers?
@ira176: I wouldn't go so far as to say there are no more laws to be made. With the way technology, culture and business is evolving, there will always be a need for restrictions to be revised/put in place and that's one small part of a very large pie. 😉
And don't forget the overthrow of old archaic laws that no longer fit with today's society (e.g. drug prohibition, the odd anti-abortion/homosexuality laws that are still around).
Absolutely. Or those stupid rules about drinking and driving. It's a free country and the government has no business telling me how much I can drink or when I can use my own car.
be careful what you talk about ya'll. next all digital cameras will be required to make annoying f*ng sounds whenever you take a picture.
Wouldn't it be easier to just outlaw skirts, and make changing area's more private.... you know, without the 'half door & walls'...
Oh, and I find it kind of humerous that next to the article's picture is a 'shop for cell phones' ad. CLASSIC!
BTW, a NY republican is as lib as almost any democrat anywhere else. Anyways, this is the most ridiculous thing that I ever heard! I can't believe that our politicians spend time & money on these things! It's even worse than the whole Digital Converter box coupon program!
If you don't want someone to see you naked, don't get naked in public.
If you don't want someone looking up your skirt, don't wear a skirt.

And this noise doesn't keep the picture from being taken, so I could still take a quick picture of someone in a changing room, then run like hell. I can still plaster your naked picture all over myspace.

Aren't you glad it made an annoying noise now?
[citation][nom]gm0n3y[/nom]And don't forget the overthrow of old archaic laws that no longer fit with today's society (e.g. drug prohibition, the odd anti-abortion/homosexuality laws that are still around).[/citation]
[citation][nom]aevm[/nom]Absolutely. Or those stupid rules about drinking and driving. It's a free country and the government has no business telling me how much I can drink or when I can use my own car.[/citation]
Lol, you got hit by a sarcasm steamreoller pretty quickly

Sadly, this "law" had good intention behind it, too bad it was filled with stupidity inside
I get why drinking and driving is illegal: you can hurt other people. Notice that alcohol isn't illegal, because using alcohol only really hurts you. Other drugs should be the same. So using heroin and driving should also be illegal, but heroin in itself should be legal. Protecting someone from their self, unless mental incompetency can be shown, is just stupid.
I feel the same way about seat belts. If someone over the age of 18 doesn't want to wear a seat belt they shouldn't have to. Those stupid enough not to wear one will be eliminated through natural selection.
I totally agree, however, maybe your insurance shouldn't cover you if aren't wearing one. Same thing with forcing the auto industry to have standard airbags. If somebody wants a car that's unsafe, that should be their choice.
[citation][nom]gm0n3y[/nom]I get why drinking and driving is illegal: you can hurt other people. Notice that alcohol isn't illegal, because using alcohol only really hurts you. Other drugs should be the same. So using heroin and driving should also be illegal, but heroin in itself should be legal. Protecting someone from their self, unless mental incompetency can be shown, is just stupid.[/citation]
I agree that most drugs should be legal. But you look at something like meth, something that completely f***s someone up, to the point where they are willing to do just about anything to get another hit. That seems let a general loss to everyone.
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