I turned on my laptop as normal today and everything was fine with the keys: WiFi light was on, the caps lock light was on when I pressed the key, the charger light was on etc. However, my screen is completely black as if the laptop isn't even on.
I've did a bit of research into possible solutions but I haven't been able to use them successfully. I've tried turning it off, taking the battery and charger out, holding the power button down for a minute, turning it on with just the charger plugged in but to no avail. I've also tried placing the battery back in and turning back on but as I said it hasn't been successful. I've tried this method multiple times but to no avail.
I can't really afford a new laptop and I'm too apprehensive to start messing around with the hardware in case it voids the warranty so any help in fixing this issue would be appreciated. Thanks.
My laptop is a HP 255 G3 Laptop AMD A4-5000 for reference.
I've did a bit of research into possible solutions but I haven't been able to use them successfully. I've tried turning it off, taking the battery and charger out, holding the power button down for a minute, turning it on with just the charger plugged in but to no avail. I've also tried placing the battery back in and turning back on but as I said it hasn't been successful. I've tried this method multiple times but to no avail.
I can't really afford a new laptop and I'm too apprehensive to start messing around with the hardware in case it voids the warranty so any help in fixing this issue would be appreciated. Thanks.
My laptop is a HP 255 G3 Laptop AMD A4-5000 for reference.