boost lg stylo2. boost gave me codes coz of lousy svc. they dont work. can you help me plz???


Oct 27, 2017
I have 2 nice boost lg stylo 2 phones model # LS775. Boost wont release them because they ae not 1 year old yet! I dont know how to root. or any that technical stuff.Can anybody please help me.. A.W. Thanks!!!!!
Service Providers aren't likely to allow rooting the system to overarch their contractual requirements so you would be wasting your time. Ask them how much money they want to release you from the contract.

In what way do they not work? Have you changed the SIM cards to those of another company?

Since my wife and I only used Boost for 59 days, they want $400 for each phone. basically 10 months payments would make the phones a year with Boost. Metro PCS wants me to pay $108..00 each for 2 of their phone that will work on their network! If all else fails,i am going to take Boost to small claims court for the $216.00 and court costs and all i can get for being lied to and mental anguish... Not to mention the 5/6 hours of time i have wasted with them! Put in a metro pcs sim card... says svc is disabled. Never gives me a chance to enter the codes that Boost gave me. THANK YOU for your reply. A.W.