BOOTMGR missing, Windows 7, no DVD

Dec 9, 2018
I have a client with a Windows 7 HP computer that is now saying BOOTMGR missing, press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restar. Client does not have a DVD.

I made a Windows 7 bootable DVD from another computer and used that to run Startup Repair on broken computer but it did not fix it.

Also tried to rebuild the bootmgr and also fix the boot sector from the command prompt. Neither helped.

As it happens, I have an unused computer that is a duplicate of client computer so I tried to copy c:\boot files from one to the other. Also didn’t work.

I really don’t want to wipe out his computer as the client is paralyzed and uses the computer by voice only. He uses Windows Live Mail for his email program. Since we can no longer download LIve Mail, he is limited to email programs what work with his voice recognition program. I’ve tried the other suggested ones and none of them seem to work very well compared to Live Mail.

I am out of ideas and desperate. Is there something I haven’t tried?
I tried sfc /scannow and got a message back:
There is a system repair pending which requires reboot to complete. Restart Windows and run sfc again.

I restarted computer and got back to the Command Prompt and tried sfc again but same message.

I didn’t intend to vote this down. My kitten decided at the worst possible time to chase the mouse cursor on screen. Sorry