Bose Acoustimass 9 not working.


Jun 5, 2015
I was given a Bose Acoustimass 9 powered bass module with the Redline duel cubes. The Cubes work fine, connected to a Sony STR--DE835 receiver. My problem is I can not get the Acoustimass 9 powered bass module to turn on.

I have checked the fuse, visually inspected all the capacitors and tested the transformer. All are good.

Is there a way to rewire the connector so I do not have to use that 3.5mm male plug that connects to the "system control 1" jack in the lifestyle 900 so that I can use this bass module (as it's not really a subwoofer) with my receiver. I have tried plugging in that plug into the receivers "Control A1 [ ]" hook up with no luck.

Any Ideas?

Thank You.
The Sony and Bose control schemes are not compatible. There is probably a dc voltage that is applied at the system control 1 jack that turns on the subwoofer amplifiers. If you have a variable dc power supply or multivoltage universal wall wart you can try different voltages starting with lowest to get it to turn on. Center pin on the connector is usually plus.
The other side of the sub cable is for input so you could connect those to the subwoofer outputs on the receiver.

Thanks for the response, I knew the rca's were a direct plug in to the sub-out. I did have a feeling that the Bose was a voltage on, just not sure of the voltage. Never though to use a variable power source to trigger the power on....simple answers...just like trying to find your keys and they are right in front of you.

Thank You Again!

Called BOSE, talked to a Tech. The 3.5mm Jack that is suppose to be plugged into the "System Control 1" is not just a voltage on trigger (He said he thinks its around 12 volts as the lifestyle 900 is a 12 volt system) but its a "Data Serial" connector and I would not be able to "control" the sub with out the actual head unit.