Budget dac for headphones and the vmoda boompro


Jan 20, 2018
Hi, my onboard audio is s*** and mics emmit a loud whining noise when used and without a soundboost on I can't even hear the mic. Looked at a bunch of dacs but all are $100+ or don't have a line in for my mic, the boompro uses a y splitter so they are grounded together and I don't want to plug just one into the dac and the other into the Mobo because this dosent solve the problem and will create a ground loop... Really don't want to have to get a modmic cause the cables are a mess... Any reccomendations!? Thanks! (Also would a new pcie soundcard do the trick? Since it's internal I'm worries about interference)
First - HEY our cables aren't a mess :) We include ways to keep em tidy (and have a wireless version launching later this year)... but I'll answer your question anyway :)

Your best bet is to stay external and look into a few simple options: One, a simple USB stick, we believe the Syba CM-UAUD is the best here. Two, the Behringer 302 mixer has a traditional 3.5mm line in for mic that should work with the BoomPro or ModMic and gives you a bunch of cool features while doing a good job isolating noise and acting as an amp (Depends on your headphones of course). We haven't found anything better than the 302 in the sub-100 range.

If you want to get super fancy, the Mayflower Arc would be the way to go, but there you're into the hundreds of...
First - HEY our cables aren't a mess :) We include ways to keep em tidy (and have a wireless version launching later this year)... but I'll answer your question anyway :)

Your best bet is to stay external and look into a few simple options: One, a simple USB stick, we believe the Syba CM-UAUD is the best here. Two, the Behringer 302 mixer has a traditional 3.5mm line in for mic that should work with the BoomPro or ModMic and gives you a bunch of cool features while doing a good job isolating noise and acting as an amp (Depends on your headphones of course). We haven't found anything better than the 302 in the sub-100 range.

If you want to get super fancy, the Mayflower Arc would be the way to go, but there you're into the hundreds of dollars.

Hi Joe, and heah sorry was just a but flustered in the moment, I'll definitely give the wireless ones a try just don't like more than one wire coming off my head typically :) and those look good, I'll see which one I like best. Thanks!