Looking for a gaming laptop available in Australian stores. Must not push budget any higher than $100.
Preferred Stores - Centrecom, PCCaseGear
Preferred Processor Model - At least i7 of any model. 4th or 5th Gen preferred.
Dedicated Graphics - If it will make it much more worth it
Ram- 8gb at least
Not much more required. I cannot push my budget further. I will use my computer for these things in order.
1. School study
2. Gaming
3. Basic Video Editing
4. Basic programming (I'll probably only use Notepad or Brackets)
Thanks for any responses.
Preferred Stores - Centrecom, PCCaseGear
Preferred Processor Model - At least i7 of any model. 4th or 5th Gen preferred.
Dedicated Graphics - If it will make it much more worth it
Ram- 8gb at least
Not much more required. I cannot push my budget further. I will use my computer for these things in order.
1. School study
2. Gaming
3. Basic Video Editing
4. Basic programming (I'll probably only use Notepad or Brackets)
Thanks for any responses.