Buying a gaming laptop


Oct 19, 2007
Hi guys, i have been trying to get a laptop for gaming and i wanted as many negative opinions on this model as possible.
I need Negative opinions, especially from people who have this model (MSI 780DX) to know if those will be a good enought reason to cancel my purchase. First of all, not the price might be a bit higher than normal due to the fact that Hardware costs more in spain/poland than in USA (my mother will get it for me from poland and bring it to spain since its cheapr this way).

1265 Euro will cost and the specs are:

-i5-2430M (i dont want an i7 becosue i belive for gaming wont change almost anything, and a dual core will heat up less, eat less battery, and therefore be quiter)

4gb ram (upgradable to 16gb, but i really dont need any more than 4 right now.

-17.3 inch full hd mate screen (in they say it has a 768:1 contrast ration, and it seems its a very good one).

-2 500 gb hdds in raid 0 (i will probably change them over to ssds someday, but for now ill try to run them NON-Raid as its my expirience that raid 0 does not improve speed drasticly).

-570M gpu (1.5 GB ram) I think is quite decent over all.

-Steelseries keyboard. I know the company and i liked so far their keyboards (especially the g6v2. i dont expect this to be as good, but at least better than those slow recoil laptop keys).

So what you think guys?.


Oct 19, 2007
Im not an "expert". I might have a good enought knowledge to make a decision, but input from a well infrmed group is always a good extra information.

I ask especially becosue there might be someone who will be able to tell me soemthing like: "The GPu is 2 strong for the cooler",
Or "it has problems with the keyboard keys not responding"

Some of those i have seen at newegg, and id like to have "more input" information :D.