60wx2 isnt too much power output for the money. its likely enough for running a pair of bookshelf speakers at moderate volume levels (so likely all you need) but given the price its not as budget efficient or friendly for sure. the yamaha however is a quality unit worth the price. for a lower price receiver units typically offer some stronger amplification at the expense of larger size. your choice what route you end up going, i'm just making a statement not trying to push you one way or the other.
the solution to placing computers on the floor in carpeted rooms is to set them on a board or small stand. i used to run my previous pc on the floor in this manner for 6 years straight without issue and dust was not really an issue. your choice though but it would free up some desk room for you.
avatars need to be approved by the moderation team before they will appear. if you uploaded them when mods are offline then you might have a little wait a little longer than normal. also given that its an odd avatar which we arent sure what it is, it may not have been approved as quickly since we verify images are not offensive before allowing.
yes, i do have a 5.1 setup however the quintet (which means 5) is sold as a 5 piece satellite speaker set (in its own box) which is why i listed it as such. the sub was purchased seperately to make it a 5.1. i list it like this to avoid confusion between HTIB sets or individually purchased speakers.
those cerwins are $125 each or $250 per pair. the klipsch rb-41 are $200/pair, rb-51 $250/pair, rb-61 $350/pair. then you get the popular kb-15 speakers for $220/pair. lots of good choices for klipsch for your budget, if you dont concentrate on ones out of budget that is.