Cable systems missing one or more of the networks


Jun 25, 2003
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In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.

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"Dave" <> wrote in message
> In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
> to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your cable
> system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the OTA HDTV
> channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this information? I am
> going to make an official complaint to the FCC about this, but I am trying
> to gather some facts together.
> Thanks,
> Dave

I wasn't aware that they were required by law to carry ANY HDTV signals at
this time. Comcast carries the NTSC standard definition signal for KIRO and
I think that satisfies the must carry rules.

Where do you live? Buy an OTA tuner and get 9 digital signals for free like
many of us in Seattle do. We are in HD/Digital heaven up here.

Charles Tomaras
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"Dave" <> wrote in message
> In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
> to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
> cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
> OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
> information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
> this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.
> Thanks,
> Dave

Comcast Richmond Virginia
local HD offerings:
Has - NBC, ABC
Missing - CBS, PBS, UPN, WB

It also doesn't show FOX but this isn't really fair since the local Sinclair
owned Fox outlet doesn't even show Fox SD on its DT channel but instead
transmits a ghost-filled, noisy, nasty image digitized from a pair of rabbit
ears at the digital transmitter. I could hardly believe it but it is true.

Everytime I see Comcast's advertisement telling me that without cable, I am
missing local HD channels, I get angry.

But then again, I have an ATSC receiver, and just flip the switch from cable
to OTA and I do.

TitanTV has perhaps the best channel guide showing what channels are OTA and
what's on cable.
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"Dave" <> wrote in message
> In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
> to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
> cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
> OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
> information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
> this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.
> Thanks,
> Dave

Comcast in Albuquerque does not carry CBS HD or NBC HD.
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comcast in atlanta does not carry abc in hd (the local affiliate is owned by

cox seems to be the most egregious offender, seeing how they demand money
from comcast here, but there are places where they refuse to pay to carry an
hd station on their cable's just unethical

"Dave" <> wrote in message
> In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
> to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
> cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
> OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
> information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
> this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.
> Thanks,
> Dave
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Brighthouse Networks Tampa, Fl no NBC HD

On Fri, 09 Jul 2004 23:12:31 -0700, Dave
<> wrote:

>In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
>to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
>cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
>OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
>information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
>this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.
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Comcast at Sarasota, Florida
Only carries CBS and ABC in HD.

"Dave" <> wrote in message
> In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
> to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
> cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
> OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
> information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
> this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.
> Thanks,
> Dave
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I think there is a generally misunderstanding of the "must carry" rules.

A station can either choose "must carry", or not.

A little station, typically carrying nothing but old reruns, or possibly
religious programs, has little appeal to the general audience, and
cable companies have little desire to carry these. Hence, they
typically elect "must carry", and the cable companies are required by
law to then carry them.

A highly desirable station, such as the major network anchor stations
are a different matter. If the cable companies don't carry them, the
cable companies will have less to offer their companies, and will lose
customers. The major stations understand this. They do NOT elect 'must
carry". Instead, they charge the cable companies for the right to carry
their signals. ABC related stations, tpically charge a fee, plus
require the cable companys to also carry ABC related channels such as
ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Classic, etc. If these fees get to high, the cable
companies are reluctant to pay them.

Bottom line:
Low appeal stations elect "must carry, and must be carried by the cable
High appeal stations demand high fees, and the cable companies may
chose to pass on carrying them.

Charles Tomaras wrote:
> "Dave" <> wrote in message
>>In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
>>to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your cable
>>system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the OTA HDTV
>>channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this information? I am
>>going to make an official complaint to the FCC about this, but I am trying
>>to gather some facts together.
> I wasn't aware that they were required by law to carry ANY HDTV signals at
> this time. Comcast carries the NTSC standard definition signal for KIRO and
> I think that satisfies the must carry rules.
> Where do you live? Buy an OTA tuner and get 9 digital signals for free like
> many of us in Seattle do. We are in HD/Digital heaven up here.
> Charles Tomaras
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Dave <> wrote (in part):

>In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
>to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
>cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
>OTA HDTV channels, please post

In the Albany NY area there is currently very little overlap. Four
stations are broadcasting digital, representing CBS (HD), NBC (HD/SD),
PBS (unrelated HD and SD) and WB (HD). Of these, TW cable has only
PBS-HD, but they also have ABC-HD and Fox-HD which are not OTA yet.
UPN is available in SD as a subchannel on the CBS OTA carrier (it's
operated out of that station's studios) and may never be available in

E. Ogden <>
where yymm is the current year and month
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>On Fri, 09 Jul 2004 23:12:31 -0700, Dave
><> wrote:
>>In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
>>to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
>>cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
>>OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
>>information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
>>this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.

Comcast in Salisbury, MD does not carry ABC in HD. The locally owned
ABC station is digital, but has no plans to go HD ("too expensive"),
and blocks comcast from bringing in a station from Baltimore or
Washington. We do have CBS, NBC and Fox.

remove* *for email
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No ABC yet for cablevision NYC. Also I notice at around 11:30 pm CBS HD
drops off, just the non-hd CBS remains. I am going to complain about this
problem. {{RDS}}
"Dave" <> wrote in message
> In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
> to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
> cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
> OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
> information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
> this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.
> Thanks,
> Dave
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Comcast in Boston has NBC,CBS,ABC AND FOX with UPN AND WB around the corner.

A widescreen edition of a movie presents the film frame as it was seen in
the movie theater. This is the version that best preserves the filmmaker's
original intent.

End of story!
<**> wrote in message
> >On Fri, 09 Jul 2004 23:12:31 -0700, Dave
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >>In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
> >>to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
> >>cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
> >>OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
> >>information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
> >>this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.
> >>
> >>Thanks,
> >>Dave
> Comcast in Salisbury, MD does not carry ABC in HD. The locally owned
> ABC station is digital, but has no plans to go HD ("too expensive"),
> and blocks comcast from bringing in a station from Baltimore or
> Washington. We do have CBS, NBC and Fox.
> Jim
> remove* *for email
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In Atlanta, Comcast does not carry ABC, WB, UPN, or TBS in HD. In addition
unless you have digital cable they will not give you INHD, INHD2, and
ESPN-HD. They most likely will not carry PBS either, if and when it does
get around to HD transmissions in town. It's a damn shame, because the OTA
1080i broadcast of Raiders of the Lost Arc on HD was something to behold
yesterday. Lucky for me, I have a built in ATSC tuner that can pull the
three free Comcast HD channels from the basic+extended cable feed, and I
don't have to pay them the $5 extortion fee for the HD box.

"oscargrouch" <> wrote in message
> comcast in atlanta does not carry abc in hd (the local affiliate is owned
> cox)
> cox seems to be the most egregious offender, seeing how they demand money
> from comcast here, but there are places where they refuse to pay to carry
> hd station on their cable's just unethical
> "Dave" <> wrote in message
> > In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
> > to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
> > cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
> > OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
> > information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
> > this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dave
> >
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i was only considering the major networks (abc, cbs, nbc, fox) when
responding...i can't even remember the last time i watched upn or wb...tbs,
tnt, etc would obviously be nice

so you keep your $5, but, as you say, you don't have inhd, inhd2, espn, hbo,
cinemax, starz (do they ever show anything in hd?) or showtime

"Rajendra Gondhalekar" <> wrote in message
> In Atlanta, Comcast does not carry ABC, WB, UPN, or TBS in HD. In
> unless you have digital cable they will not give you INHD, INHD2, and
> ESPN-HD. They most likely will not carry PBS either, if and when it does
> get around to HD transmissions in town. It's a damn shame, because the
> 1080i broadcast of Raiders of the Lost Arc on HD was something to behold
> yesterday. Lucky for me, I have a built in ATSC tuner that can pull the
> three free Comcast HD channels from the basic+extended cable feed, and I
> don't have to pay them the $5 extortion fee for the HD box.
> "oscargrouch" <> wrote in message
> > comcast in atlanta does not carry abc in hd (the local affiliate is
> by
> > cox)
> >
> > cox seems to be the most egregious offender, seeing how they demand
> > from comcast here, but there are places where they refuse to pay to
> an
> > hd station on their cable's just unethical
> >
> >
> > "Dave" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am
> > > to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
> > > cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of
> > > OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
> > > information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
> > > this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Dave
> > >
> >
> >
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If I gave them $5 a month I'll not get a single extra channel other than the
CBS, NBC, FOX, I already pull in with my built in ATSC tuner. To get INHD,
INHD2, and ESPN HD, I have to fork over an extra $10 to subscribe to the
Digital Cable starter package. If I wanted the premium HD channels like
HBO, Showtime, Starz, and Cinemax, I am sure I'll have to pay even more. I
already get analog versions of ESPN, PBS, UPN, ABC, WB, TBS, and Discovery
on the Basic+Expanded Comcast cable. If they were offering me an HD version
of all of these channels with the $5 a month box, I'd have gone for it. As
it is my $40 investment in the OTA antenna and preamp delivers far more HD
content. And WB and UPN do have some good shows and movies from time to
time. Probably far more so than INHD and INHD2. ESPN HD is the most major

"oscargrouch" <> wrote in message
> i was only considering the major networks (abc, cbs, nbc, fox) when
> responding...i can't even remember the last time i watched upn or
> tnt, etc would obviously be nice
> so you keep your $5, but, as you say, you don't have inhd, inhd2, espn,
> cinemax, starz (do they ever show anything in hd?) or showtime
> "Rajendra Gondhalekar" <> wrote in message
> > In Atlanta, Comcast does not carry ABC, WB, UPN, or TBS in HD. In
> addition
> > unless you have digital cable they will not give you INHD, INHD2, and
> > ESPN-HD. They most likely will not carry PBS either, if and when it
> > get around to HD transmissions in town. It's a damn shame, because the
> > 1080i broadcast of Raiders of the Lost Arc on HD was something to behold
> > yesterday. Lucky for me, I have a built in ATSC tuner that can pull the
> > three free Comcast HD channels from the basic+extended cable feed, and I
> > don't have to pay them the $5 extortion fee for the HD box.
> >
> > "oscargrouch" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > comcast in atlanta does not carry abc in hd (the local affiliate is
> owned
> > by
> > > cox)
> > >
> > > cox seems to be the most egregious offender, seeing how they demand
> money
> > > from comcast here, but there are places where they refuse to pay to
> carry
> > an
> > > hd station on their cable's just unethical
> > >
> > >
> > > "Dave" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > > In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am
> trying
> > > > to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
> > > > cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of
> the
> > > > OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
> > > > information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC
> > > > this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Dave
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
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Comcast in San Jose, CA is missing WB, UPN etc. in HD.
ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS are available in HD,
INHD, INHD2, ESPN HD are available depending on subscription level
HBO, SHOWTIME and STARZ are in HD if you subscribe.

San Jose is a big town, availability also depends on your
neighborhood's wiring. Some locations are still using the old A/B
type cables, no digital cable nor HD service for those old areas.

For some people OTA is the only way to get HD.

Dave <> wrote in message news:<>...
> In Seattle, Comcast has all the networks except CBS in HDTV. I am trying
> to get a feel for how many cable systems have this problem. If your
> cable system offers some local HDTV channels and is missing some of the
> OTA HDTV channels, please post. Or, does a website provide this
> information? I am going to make an official complaint to the FCC about
> this, but I am trying to gather some facts together.
> Thanks,
> Dave